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It forces us to look at energy conservation, which is beneficial in many ways, not least in extending the time for which we have fossil fuels available.

Extra heat and carbon dioxide can make plants become bigger.

Whilst climate changes can impact some places badly, it might improve others. The south of England may become like the Mediterranean, which is a tempting idea, if one which might exacerbate the water supply problem.

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3w ago

Fertilizers can enhance crop productivity and yield, leading to increased food production. They can also help improve soil fertility by providing essential nutrients, leading to better plant growth and healthier ecosystems. Additionally, fertilizers can help mitigate nutrient deficiencies in soils, promoting overall environmental sustainability.

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12y ago

Though fertilizers have some adverse effects on our environment ,but there exist a couple of positive impacts as well. For instance when applied in abundance , the excess amount runs off into groundwater or surface water and encourages the growth of marine plants such as algae , which provide as a food source for marine organisms hence forms a part of the underwater food chain, as a long term effect The algae then dies off and rots causing algal blooms which reduce oxygen in the water for fish hence endangering marine life.

In ground water the nitrates in the fertizer make the water unsafe for human or animal consumption

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10y ago

The improvements with technology in agriculture have had lasting effects. GPS tracking has made harvesting easier. Better fertilizers are also being used to lessen effects on the environment.

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12y ago

less pollution by cars buses plains ship

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Q: What is the positive impact of fertilizers on your environment?
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Is natural or chemical fertilizer better?

Natural fertilizers are generally considered better for the environment and for long-term soil health, as they are derived from organic materials such as compost or manure. Chemical fertilizers can provide a quick nutrient boost to plants, but they can also contribute to water pollution and soil degradation if not used properly. It's important to consider the specific needs of your plants and the environmental impact when choosing between natural and chemical fertilizers.

What impact on the environment does cadmium have?

Cadmium is considered dangerous for the environment.

What are the positive or negative impact of using plastic bags in your lunch?

Positive impact: Convenient for transporting and storing food, lightweight and durable for carrying lunch items. Negative impact: Contribution to plastic pollution and harm to the environment, potential health risks from chemicals in plastics leaching into food.

What you can do to positively impact your immediate and global surroundings is what type of wellness?

That would be environmental wellness, which focuses on having a positive impact on your immediate surroundings and the larger global environment through sustainable practices, reducing waste, and promoting conservation efforts.

What are the objectives of fertilizers?

Accessibility, consistency, ease, economy, impact, safety, uniformity and versatility are the objectives of liquid fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers blend easily and treat the ground with mixed iron, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cheaply and uniformly from spray bottles or sprinkler attachments. They function as starter and in-season applications that act quickly and impact immediately early in the morning, late in the afternoon and on overcast days.

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Tornadoes do not have a positive impact on the environment. They can cause destruction to ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and infrastructure. The devastation from tornadoes can take years to recover from and disrupt the natural balance of the affected areas.

What is the positive impact of the power plant on the environment?

Produces electricity with out polluting the air

What are fertilizers that hurt the environment?

Tire and poop hurt the environment!

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middle schools can plant trees every were

What are the positive effects of electricity on the environment?

The positive effects of electricity on the environment are quite limited as mostly electricity has negative impact on the environment. Plants can be said to benefit slightly from the carbon dioxide released in the generation of electricity.

Indiscriminate use of fertilizers and peticides?

Stop the use of pesticides because it is not good for the environment. But don't stop using fertilizers because they are good for the environment or at least some of them are!

How does farming affect our environment?

Farming can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. Positive impacts include preserving green spaces and providing wildlife habitats. However, negative impacts can include deforestation for agriculture, water pollution from pesticides and fertilizers, and greenhouse gas emissions from livestock. Sustainable farming practices can mitigate these negative effects on the environment.

Does radiant energy have a negative or positive impact on the environment?

Radiant energy, such as solar power, generally has a positive impact on the environment as it is a clean and renewable energy source that produces little to no greenhouse gas emissions. It helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels, decrease air pollution, and mitigate climate change.