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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

The planet you are referring to is likely Neptune, as it is the coldest planet in our solar system with an average temperature of about -353Β°F (-214Β°C). Any visit to Neptune would require a very warm coat to withstand the extreme cold temperatures.

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Q: What is the planet when you go there you have to bring the warmest coat if you want to go there?
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Want is the largest plant in your solar system?

Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solor System...........but if you include the Sun and a planet instead of a star then it would be the Sun. The Sun is recorded as a star and not a planet but most people think the the Sun is a planet and not a star.

What is the deadliest thing on the planet Earth?

poison dart frog, but if you want to discuss the Asian cobra

Is tilt important to a planet?

Yes, tilt is important for creating seasons on a planet. Earth's tilt allows different parts of the planet to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year, leading to the seasonal changes we experience. Without tilt, a planet would not have distinct seasons.

What would you bring to mercury?

To survive on Mercury, you would need a spacesuit that can withstand the extreme temperatures during the day and night. Any equipment or technology brought to Mercury would need to be resistant to the intense heat and radiation present on the planet. Additionally, a reliable source of power, such as solar panels, would be necessary due to the lack of atmosphere for wind power.

Are we the seventh planet?

Yes the annunaki count planet earth as the seventh planet coming from outside the solar system in. It is also written by Sumerian hystorians years ago. No, the Earth is the third planet from the sun. If you want to count the other direction, you'll have to reinstate Pluto as a planet to make us the seventh one in from the outermost. As things stand officially now, that would make us only the sixth.

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it depends on how smooth you want the coat to be it depends on how smooth you want the coat to be it depends on how smooth you want the coat to be

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He was wearing an Italian coat

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When you want to replace a male's name in a sentence, use his. John's coat was black. His coat was black.

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Jupiter. Unless you want a planet not made of gas.

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Because their don't want to.