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The physical property of matter used to determine if an object fits on a bookshelf is typically its size or dimensions. Objects that are too large or too wide may not fit properly on a bookshelf, while objects that are smaller in size are more likely to fit.

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Q: What is the physical property of matter used to determine if an objects fit on a bookshelf?
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The physical property that determines whether an object will sink or float is its density. Objects with higher density than the fluid they are placed in will sink, while objects with lower density will float.

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What is the property of an object?

The property of an object is the features that define. Most objects are defined by physical properties like shape, size, weight and so on.

Does gravitational and electrical forces depend on a physical property of objects?

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Why do you need to know the density of things?

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Is Objects made of silver become tarnished a physical property?

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