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1mo ago

The Periodic Table address for oxygen is 8, as it has 8 protons in its nucleus. Oxygen is located in Group 16 (or 6A) and Period 2 of the periodic table. It has an atomic number of 8.

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Q: What is the periodic address of oxygen?
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What period address is oxygen in?

Oxygen is in period 2 on the periodic table. It is the 8th element in period 2.

What period of the periodic table is oxygen in?

Oxygen is in Period 2 , Group 16 ( VI A) of periodic table

What number is oxygen in the periodic table?

Oxygen is number 8 in the periodic table.

Which part of the periodic table would you expect to find oxygen?

Oxygen is in the upper right side of the periodic table.

In what part of the periodic table is oxygen located?

The chalcogens are the chemical elements in group 16 of the periodic table, which includes Oxygen.

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Carbon appears directly below oxygen in the periodic table.

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Oxygen is closest to the noble gas neon (Ne) on the periodic table.

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There is no element above oxygen.

Where is oxygen on the periodic table?

oxygen is in group 16 period 8

What is oxygens group number?

Oxygen belongs to group 16 (also known as group VIA or group 6A) on the periodic table.

Is oxygen the lightest element on the periodic table?

No, hydrogen is ?the lightest element in the periodic table.