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Q: What is the period of rotation of gas giants?
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The four gas giants palnts will rotate in what time period?

The gas giants in our solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) rotate at different speeds. Jupiter has the fastest rotation period, taking about 10 hours to complete one rotation. Saturn takes around 10.7 hours, Uranus about 17.2 hours, and Neptune approximately 16 hours to rotate once on their axes.

Of all the gas giants has the shortest period of revolution?

Jupiter has the shortest period of revolution among the gas giants, with a revolution period of about 11.86 Earth years.

What gas giants has the shortest period of revolutions?


What Of all the gas giants has the longest period of revolution.?


How do the periods of rotation and revolution for the gas giants planets differ from those of earth?

Their farther awat from the sun

Which characteristic of the gas giants decrease with increasing distance from the sun?

Characteristic details given: A.) equatorial diameter B.) period of rotation C.) number of moons D.) both A and C Answer : D.) both A and C

Of all gas giants _____ has the longest period of revolution?

Neptune - by sugar cube

Which characteristic of the gas giants decreases with increasing distance from the sun?

The temperature decreases with increasing distance from the sun for gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. This is because they receive less sunlight the farther they are from the sun.

Do gas giants rotate faster on there axis?

Yes, gas giants rotate faster on their axis compared to terrestrial planets like Earth. For example, Jupiter completes a rotation in about 10 hours, while Earth takes about 24 hours. This fast rotation is due to their massive size and faster spinning during their formation.

What is the sun's period of rotation?

The sun has two types of period of rotation, the sidereal rotation period and the synodic rotation period. The sidereal rotation period is 24.47 days. The synodic rotation period is 26.24 days.

What is venuses period of rotation?

The period of rotation for Venus is 243 days

Which of the gas giants are made of frozen gas?

which of the gas giants are made of frozen gas