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well, you see the parvovirus is a caniene virus that effect puppies 1-2 years old, to learn more about it go to:

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7mo ago

Parvoviruses are a group of small DNA viruses that can infect a wide range of animals, including humans. They are known for their ability to cause diseases in animals, such as parvovirus in dogs and fifth disease in humans. Parvoviruses are highly contagious and can be transmitted through direct contact or exposure to contaminated environments.

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Q: What is the parvoviruses?
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What viruses have the shape of an icosahedron?

Parvoviruses,papovaviruses,adenoviruses,hepadnaviruses,Herpes virus,picornaviruses,caliciviruses,Reovirus,flavioviruses&Retrovirus.Remember they are either DNA or RNA VIRUSES

Size range of viruses?

Viruses can vary greatly in size, with the smallest ones being around 20-30 nanometers (nm) in diameter, such as the Parvoviruses. Larger viruses like Mimivirus can reach sizes of around 400 nm. However, most viruses fall within the range of 20-300 nm in size.

What is the smallest group of living things?

The smallest living things depend on how a living thing is defined. Some biologists do not believe viruses are living organisms because there are no free living forms (all are parasitic) and because they must reply on their host for reproduction. Others believe that, despite this, they have an existence of their own separate to the host and are subject to natural selection and are therefore alive. If you accept viruses are not alive, the smallest living things would be amongst the bacteria or protists. Bacteria are single celled organisms with no cell nucleus while protists have a nucleus. Generally the bacteria are slightly smaller but their sizes overlap. If you accept that viruses are alive, the smallest group are the Parvoviruses between 18 and 26 nanometres. These are single stranded DNA viruses. 1 nm = 1/1000000000 metres or 0.000039 inches.

Which is the smallest virus?

i think it's Family Parvoviridae (20-25 nm in diameter), that's is according to the book of Maria Danessa Delost entitled Introduction to Diagnostic Microbiology, page 338 isn't it the polio virus??

What is a smallest organism?

The smallest known organism is an ultramicroscopic bacterium called Mycoplasma genitalium, which has a size of about 200 to 300 nanometers. Other small organisms include certain types of microorganisms like certain viruses and archaea.

What has the author Ngamchit Choongkittaworn written?

Ngamchit Choongkittaworn is a Thai author known for his works on business management and leadership. He has written several books focusing on personal development, productivity, and success strategies. Choongkittaworn's writing often emphasizes practical techniques and insights to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals.

Can the parvo dog virus be transmitted to humans?

Rest assured that parvovirus is specific to dogs alone and cannot be transmitted to humans or other pets of a different species, such as this info from*But, however, humans can get a different form of this virus that is often called Fifth Disease. The real name is Parvovirus B19. Another name for it is Erythema Infectiosum which is also called Slapped Cheek Syndrome.

What is the viral disease of cattle called?

Companion animals such as cats, dogs, and horses, if not vaccinated, can catch serious viral infections. Canine parvovirus 2 is caused by a small DNA virus, and infections are often fatal in pups.The emergence of the parvovirus in the 1970s was the most significant in the history of infectious diseases. The disease spread rapidly across the world, and thousands of dogs died from the infection.The virus originated in cats, the vector of feline panleukopenia, but a mutation that changed just two amino acids in the viral capsid protein VP2 allowed it to cross the species barrier, and dogs, unlike cats, had no resistance to the disease. Canine distemper virus is closely related to measles virus and is the most important viral disease of dogs. In the 1990s, thousands of African lions died from the infection, which they contracted from feral dogs and hyenas.Marine mammals are susceptible to viral infections. In 1988 and 2002, thousands of harbor seals were killed in Europe by the measles-like phocine distemper virus. Large outbreaks of the disease were recorded among the seal populations of Lake Baikal and along the shores of the Baltic and North Sea. The infection resembled canine distemper; the animals died within two weeks of respiratory distress and many aborted pups were seen.Many other viruses, including caliciviruses, herpesviruses, adenoviruses and parvoviruses, circulate in marine mammal populations.

What is paarvo?

There seems to be a typo in your question. If you are referring to parvovirus, it is a highly contagious virus that affects dogs, causing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. It can be prevented through vaccination.

What Scrabble words have two V's and a U?

ANTICONVULSIVE[n -S]ANTICONVULSIVES ANTICONVULSIVE [n]ANTISUBVERSIVE [adj]CONVOLVULI CONVOLVULUS [n]CONVOLVULUS [n -LUSES or -LI]CONVOLVULUSES CONVOLVULUS [n]CONVULSIVE [adj]CONVULSIVELY [adv]CONVULSIVENESS [n -ES]DIVULSIVE [adj]EVACUATIVE [adj]EVALUATIVE [adj]INEQUIVALVE [adj]INEQUIVALVED [adj]NONEVALUATIVE [adj]OVERCULTIVATION [n -S]OVEREVALUATION [n -S]OVEREVALUATIONS OVEREVALUATION [n]OVEROBVIOUS [adj]OVERVALUATION [n -S]OVERVALUATIONS OVERVALUATION [n]OVERVALUE [v -UED, -UING, -UES]OVERVALUED OVERVALUE [v]OVERVALUES OVERVALUE [v]OVERVALUING OVERVALUE [v]OVOVIVIPAROUS [adj]OVOVIVIPAROUSLY [adv]PAPOVAVIRUS [n -ES]PAPOVAVIRUSES PAPOVAVIRUS [n]PARVOVIRUS [n -ES]PARVOVIRUSES PARVOVIRUS [n]REDIVIVUS [adj]REVULSIVE [adj]SEMPERVIVUM [n -S]SEMPERVIVUMS SEMPERVIVUM [n]SUBVERSIVE [n -S]SUBVERSIVELY [adv]SUBVERSIVENESS [n -ES]SUBVERSIVES SUBVERSIVE [n]SURVIVABILITIES SURVIVABILITY [n]SURVIVABILITY [n -TIES]SURVIVABLE [adj]SURVIVAL a living or continuing longer than another person or thing [n -S]SURVIVALIST [n -S]SURVIVALISTS SURVIVALIST [n]SURVIVALS SURVIVAL, a living or continuing longer than another person or thing [n]SURVIVANCE [n -S]SURVIVANCES SURVIVANCE [n]SURVIVE to remain in existence [v -VIVED, -VIVING, -VIVES]SURVIVED SURVIVE, to remain in existence [v]SURVIVER survivor (one that survives (to remain in existence)) [n -S]SURVIVERS SURVIVER, survivor (one that survives (to remain in existence)) [n]SURVIVES SURVIVE, to remain in existence [v]SURVIVING SURVIVE, to remain in existence [v]SURVIVOR one that survives (to remain in existence) [n -S]SURVIVORS SURVIVOR, one that survives (to remain in existence) [n]SURVIVORSHIP [n -S]SURVIVORSHIPS SURVIVORSHIP [n]UNEVOLVED EVOLVE, to develop (to bring to a more advanced or effective state) [adj]UNINVENTIVE INVENTIVE [adj]UNINVOLVED INVOLVE, to contain or include as a part [adj]UNIVALVE a mollusk having a single shell [n -S]UNIVALVED [adj]UNIVALVES UNIVALVE, a mollusk having a single shell [n]UVAROVITE [n -S]UVAROVITES UVAROVITE [n]VALVULA valvule (a small valve) [n -LAE]VALVULAE VALVULA, valvule (a small valve) [n]VALVULAR pertaining to a valve [adj]VALVULE a small valve [n -S]VALVULES VALVULE, a small valve [n]VALVULITIS [n -TISES]VALVULITISES VALVULITIS [n]VAUDEVILLE [n -S]VAUDEVILLES VAUDEVILLE [n]VAUDEVILLIAN [n -S]VAUDEVILLIANS VAUDEVILLIAN [n]VAVASOUR vavasor (a high-ranking vassal) [n -S]VAVASOURS VAVASOUR, vavasor (a high-ranking vassal) [n]VESUVIAN a mineral [n -S]VESUVIANITE [n -S]VESUVIANITES VESUVIANITE [n]VESUVIANS VESUVIAN, a mineral [n]VITUPERATIVE [adj]VITUPERATIVELY [adv]VIVACIOUS [adj]VIVACIOUSLY [adv]VIVACIOUSNESS [n -ES]VIVACIOUSNESSES VIVACIOUSNESS [n]VIVARIUM a place for raising and keeping live animals [n -IA or -IUMS]VIVARIUMS VIVARIUM, a place for raising and keeping live animals [n]VIVIPAROUS [adj]VIVIPAROUSLY [adv]VOLVULI VOLVULUS, a twisting of the intestine that causes obstruction [n]VOLVULUS a twisting of the intestine that causes obstruction [n -LI or -LUSES]VOLVULUSES VOLVULUS, a twisting of the intestine that causes obstruction [n]VOUVRAY a French white wine [n -VRAYS]VOUVRAYS VOUVRAY, a French white wine [n]VULVA the external genital organs of a female [n -VAE or -VAS] : VULVAL, VULVAR, VULVATE ~adjVULVAE VULVA, the external genital organs of a female [n]VULVAL VULVA, the external genital organs of a female [adj]VULVAR VULVA, the external genital organs of a female [adj]VULVAS VULVA, the external genital organs of a female [n]VULVATE VULVA, the external genital organs of a female [adj]VULVIFORM [adj]VULVITIS inflammation of the vulva [n -TISES]VULVITISES VULVITIS, inflammation of the vulva [n]VULVOVAGINITIS [n -TISES]

Scrabble words that have an v?

Here are some Scrabble words ending with the letter V:Dev: a Hindu godGanev: a thiefGuv: a governorLav: a lavatoryLev: a monetary unit of BulgariaLuv: a sweetheartRev: to increase the speed ofSchav: chilled soupShiv: a knifeSpiv: a petty criminalTav: a Hebrew letterVav: a Hebrew letterMaglev: high speed magnetic levitation train

What are Scrabble words containing r v?

4-letter wordsarvo5-letter wordsarval, arvos, carve, curve, curvy, ervil, larva, marvy, nerve, nervy, parve, serve, servo, varve, verve6-letter wordscarved, carvel, carven, carver, carves, cervid, cervix, corvee, corves, corvet, curved, curves, curvet, curvey, ervils, fervid, fervor, garvey, jarvey, larvae, larval, larvas, marvel, nerved, nerves, parvis, purvey, scurvy, serval, served, server, serves, servos, starve, survey, swerve, turves, varved, varves, verves, vervet, wharve, wherve7-letter wordscarvels, carvers, carving, cervine, chervil, corvees, corvets, corvina, corvine, curvets, curvier, curving, decurve, dervish, deserve, dwarves, fervent, fervors, fervour, garveys, harvest, incurve, innerve, jarveys, marvels, nervate, nervier, nervily, nervine, nerving, nervous, nervule, nervure, nirvana, observe, parvenu, parvise, pervade, pervert, purveys, purview, recurve, reserve, scarves, servals, servant, servers, service, servile, serving, starved, starver, starves, surveil, surveys, survive, swerved, swerver, swerves, unnerve, upcurve, vervain, vervets, wharves, wherves8-letter wordsacervate, acervuli, ayurveda, carvings, cervelas, cervelat, cervical, cervices, cervixes, chervils, conferva, conserve, corvette, corvinas, curvedly, curveted, curviest, decurved, decurves, deserved, deserver, deserves, disserve, enervate, fervency, fervidly, fervours, harvests, incurved, incurves, innerved, innerves, interval, marveled, nerviest, nervines, nervings, nervules, nervures, nirvanas, nirvanic, observed, observer, observes, outcurve, outserve, overview, overvote, parvenue, parvenus, parvises, parvolin, pervaded, pervader, pervades, perverse, perverts, pervious, preserve, purveyed, purveyor, purviews, recurved, recurves, reserved, reserver, reserves, resurvey, scurvier, scurvies, scurvily, servable, servants, serviced, servicer, services, servings, servitor, sirvente, starvers, starving, subserve, surveils, surveyed, surveyor, survival, survived, surviver, survives, survivor, swervers, swerving, unnerved, unnerves, unserved, upcurved, upcurves, vervains9-letter wordsacervulus, ayurvedas, carvacrol, cervelats, confervae, confervas, conserved, conserver, conserves, corvettes, curvature, curveball, curveting, curvetted, decurving, denervate, dervishes, deservers, deserving, disserved, disserves, enervated, enervates, fervently, harvested, harvester, incurvate, incurving, innervate, innerving, intervale, intervals, intervene, interview, larvicide, marveling, marvelled, marvelous, nervation, nerveless, nerviness, nervosity, nervously, observant, observers, observing, outcurves, outserved, outserves, overvalue, overviews, overvivid, overvoted, overvotes, parvolins, perfervid, pervaders, pervading, pervasion, pervasive, perverted, perverter, preserved, preserver, preserves, purveying, purveyors, recurving, reobserve, reservers, reservice, reserving, reservist, reservoir, resurveys, scurviest, servicers, servicing, serviette, servilely, servility, servitors, servitude, sirventes, subserved, subserves, supervene, supervise, surveying, surveyors, survivals, survivers, surviving, survivors, tervalent, unnerving, unreserve, upcurving10-letter wordsarborvitae, carvacrols, cervelases, cervicites, cervicitis, coacervate, conservers, conserving, curvaceous, curvacious, curvatures, curveballs, curvetting, denervated, denervates, deservedly, deservings, dichlorvos, disservice, disserving, effervesce, enervating, enervation, fervencies, fervidness, harvesters, harvesting, harvestman, harvestmen, impervious, incurvated, incurvates, innervated, innervates, intervales, intervened, intervener, intervenes, intervenor, interviews, larvicidal, larvicides, manservant, marvelling, marvellous, nervations, observable, observably, observance, observants, outserving, overvalued, overvalues, overvoting, parvovirus, pervasions, perversely, perversion, perversity, perversive, perverters, perverting, preharvest, preservers, preservice, preserving, purveyance, reobserved, reobserves, reservable, reservedly, reserviced, reservices, reservists, reservoirs, resurveyed, scurviness, serviceman, servicemen, serviettes, servitudes, servomotor, starvation, starveling, subserving, supervened, supervenes, supervised, supervises, supervisor, surveilled, surveyings, survivable, survivance, timeserver, undervalue, undeserved, unobserved, unreserved, unreserves, unswerving11-letter wordsarborvitaes, clairvoyant, coacervates, conservancy, conservator, countervail, counterview, curveballed, curvilinear, denervating, denervation, disservices, effervesced, effervesces, enervations, harvestable, harvesttime, incurvating, incurvation, incurvature, innervating, innervation, inobservant, intervalley, intervallic, interveners, intervening, intervenors, interviewed, interviewee, interviewer, maidservant, marvelously, menservants, nervelessly, nervinesses, nervosities, nervousness, observables, observances, observantly, observation, observatory, observingly, overharvest, overservice, overvaluing, overviolent, overvoltage, pervasively, perversions, pervertedly, postharvest, preharvests, preservable, purveyances, reinnervate, reinterview, reobserving, reservation, reservicing, resurveying, semidwarves, sempervivum, servanthood, servantless, serviceable, serviceably, servileness, servilities, servomotors, starvations, starvelings, subinterval, subservient, supervening, supervirile, supervising, supervision, supervisors, supervisory, surveillant, surveilling, survivalist, survivances, timeservers, timeserving, underserved, undervalued, undervalues, undeserving, unharvested, unnervingly12-letter wordscervicitides, cervicitises, clairvoyance, clairvoyants, coacervation, conservation, conservatism, conservative, conservatize, conservators, conservatory, countervails, counterviews, cryopreserve, curveballing, denervations, deservedness, dichlorvoses, effervescent, effervescing, fervidnesses, harvesttimes, imperviously, incurvations, incurvatures, innervations, inobservance, interservice, intervalleys, intervention, interviewees, interviewers, interviewing, intervillage, intervisible, intervocalic, maidservants, multiservice, nonobservant, observations, overharvests, overserviced, overservices, overvoltages, parvoviruses, perverseness, perversities, perviousness, preinterview, preservation, preservative, reinnervated, reinnervates, reinterviews, reservations, reservedness, scurvinesses, sempervivums, servanthoods, serviceberry, servicewoman, servicewomen, subintervals, subservience, subserviency, supervenient, supervention, supervisions, surveillance, surveillants, survivalists, survivorship, timeservings, undervaluing, unobservable, unreservedly, unsupervised13-letter wordsclairvoyances, clairvoyantly, coacervations, conservancies, conservations, conservatisms, conservatives, conservatized, conservatizes, conservatoire, countervailed, cryopreserved, cryopreserves, defervescence, effervescence, hypervelocity, hypervigilant, hypervirulent, inobservances, interobserver, interventions, marvelousness, nervelessness, nervousnesses, nonobservance, observability, observational, observatories, overharvested, overservicing, overvaluation, pervasiveness, pervertedness, preinterviews, preservations, preservatives, reinnervating, reinnervation, reinterviewed, servilenesses, subserviences, subserviently, superventions, supervirtuosi, supervirtuoso, surveillances, survivability, survivorships, unserviceable14-letter wordsconservational, conservatively, conservatizing, conservatoires, conservatorial, conservatories, countervailing, cryopreserving, curvilinearity, defervescences, deservednesses, disserviceable, effervescences, effervescently, hyperventilate, hypervigilance, hyperviscosity, imperviousness, interobservers, intervalometer, intervertebral, nonobservances, nonsupervisory, overharvesting, overvaluations, perversenesses, perviousnesses, preinterviewed, preservability, reinnervations, reinterviewing, reservationist, reservednesses, serviceability, serviceberries, servomechanism, subserviencies, supervirtuosos, undervaluation, unreservedness15-letter wordsconservationist, conservatorship, counterviolence, hypervelocities, hyperventilated, hyperventilates, hypervigilances, intervalometers, interventionism, interventionist, intervisibility, intervisitation, marvelousnesses, neoconservatism, neoconservative, nervelessnesses, nonconservation, nonconservative, nonintervention, observabilities, observationally, pervasivenesses, pervertednesses, preinterviewing, preservationist, reservationists, serviceableness, servomechanisms, survivabilities, undervaluations16-letter wordsanticonservation, archconservative, conservationists, conservativeness, conservatorships, counterviolences, cryopreservation, curvilinearities, hyperinnervation, hyperventilating, hyperventilation, hyperviscosities, hypervitaminoses, hypervitaminosis, imperviousnesses, interventionisms, interventionists, interventricular, intervisitations, intervocalically, neoconservatisms, neoconservatives, nonconservations, nonconservatives, noninterventions, overconservative, preservabilities, preservationists, semiconservative, serviceabilities, superserviceable, unreservednesses17-letter wordsanticonservations, archconservatives, cryopreservations, hyperinnervations, hyperventilations, intervisibilities, serviceablenesses, superconservative, ultraconservatism, ultraconservative18-letter wordsconservativenesses, noninterventionist, semiconservatively, ultraconservatisms, ultraconservatives19-letter wordsanticonservationist, countersurveillance, noninterventionists20-letter wordsanticonservationists, countersurveillances762 words found.