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Alpha because it has a mass of 4

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5d ago

The particle that is the same as a helium nucleus is an alpha particle. It consists of two protons and two neutrons bound together. Beta particles are high-energy electrons or positrons, while gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation.

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Q: What is the particle that is same as helium nucleus out of alpha and beta and gamma?
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The nucleus of a helium atom is called?

The nucleus of a helium atom is called the alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons. It is positively charged and accounts for most of the mass of the helium atom.

Positively charged particle consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons which is given off by a radioactive substance is called what?

A radiation particle consisting of two protons and two neutrons is called an Alpha Particle. Alpha Particles have the same structure as a Helium nucleus. There are three forms of radiation, Alpha (Helium nucleus), Beta (a lone electron) and Gamma (an Electromagnetic wave).

Is a beta particle a helium nucleus or an electron?

A beta particle is an electron. It is emitted during radioactive decay from the nucleus of an atom. Helium nuclei, on the other hand, are called alpha particles.

What is released from the nucleus during gamma decay?

In gamma decay, high-energy gamma photons are released from the nucleus. These photons do not change the identity of the atom but are emitted to reduce excess energy after other forms of radioactive decay.

When U-238 decays to th-234 what has been emitted?

When U-238 decays to Th-234, an alpha particle is emitted. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons, and is essentially a helium nucleus.

Non-example of alpha decay?

Beta decay is a non-example of alpha decay. Beta decay involves the emission of a beta particle (either an electron or a positron) from an unstable atomic nucleus, whereas alpha decay involves the emission of an alpha particle (helium nucleus) from a nucleus.

Which naturally occurring radioactive particle is the largest?

Alpha particles are the same size as a helium nucleus and are made up of 2 protons and two neutrons. They have no electrons so an alpha particle has a +2 charge

Which has the largest mass alpha particle gamma ray positron or beta particle?

An alpha particle has the largest mass among the options listed. It is made up of two protons and two neutrons, making it the heaviest particle. Gamma rays have no mass, while both positrons and beta particles are much lighter than alpha particles.

How many protons are in an alpha particle?

The alpha particle does not have any electrons. This particle is ejected from the nucleus of an atom in what is called alpha decay, and it appears as a pair of protons and a pair of neutrons fused together. The alpha particle is a helium-4 nucleus, and soon after it appears, it will collect a pair of electrons from its environment. But as it appears in the radioactive decay process, it doesn't have any electrons.

Which of the folowing best describes alpha particle beta particles and gamma rays?

All three are the natural products of the decay of certain radionuclides. An alpha particle is basically the nucleus of a helium atom; a beta particle is an electron; a gamma ray is a photon of high-energy gamma radiation.

What radioactive emission is a particle?

Alpha emission is a 4helium nucleus, which behaves like a particle. Beta emission is an electron, which behaves like a particle. Gamma emission is a photon, which behaves like a particle. Experiments can also be set up to show their wavelike properties (for alpha, beta, and gamma radiation).

What are the masses of alpha beta gamma?

The masses of alpha, beta, and gamma particles can vary, but generally speaking: Alpha particles have a mass approximately four times that of a proton. Beta particles (both beta-minus and beta-plus) have a much smaller mass compared to alpha particles, with beta-minus being lighter than beta-plus. Gamma rays are massless particles.