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ph 3= [H+] = 1 x10^-3 ph 10 = pOH = 4 = [OH-] = 1 x10^-4

2 x (1 x10^-3) = 2 x10^-3 mmol H+ ions = 0.002 mmole

3 x (1 x 10^-4) = 3 x10^-4 mmol OH- ions = 0.0003 mmole

H+ > OH- so subtract to get remaining OH- 0.002 - 0.0003 = 0.0017 mmole H+

find concentration [H+] = mmole H+ / ml solution = 0.0017 / (3+2) = 0.00034 M H+

now find pH pH = - log [H+] = - log(0.00034)

use a calculator to find the answer.

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the solution will have ph of 2.3. .

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Q: What is the pH of a solution prepared by mixing 2.0 ml of a strong acid solution of pH 3.0 and 3ml of a strong base of pH 10.0?
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