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Q: What is the other name for seed integuments?
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What is the function of integuments in flowers?

Integuments, after fertilization turn to the seed coat, which protects the seed

What are the functions of integuments?

Integuments protect the body from physical harm, pathogens, and UV radiation. They also help regulate body temperature, provide sensory information through touch receptors, and aid in the production of Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

Does the integument harden to become the seed coat?

Yes, the integument hardens to become the seed coat after fertilization in plants. The seed coat provides protection for the developing embryo and helps in seed dispersal.

An angiosperm seed coat is formed from toughened parts of the?

An angiosperm seed coat is formed from toughened parts of the ovule wall. This wall provides protection for the developing embryo and seed contents. It also helps prevent desiccation and mechanical damage during seed dispersal.

What is the Function of integument?

The integumentary system functions to protect the body from external threats, regulate body temperature, and provide sensory information through the skin. It also helps in the prevention of dehydration and serves as a barrier against harmful pathogens.

What is the functions the integument?

The ovule of an angiosperm, which will eventually become a seed, is surrounded by integuments. They are layers of protective sporophytic tissue that eventually develop into the seed coat.

Why is the seed coat an important part of a seed?

The seed coat provides protection for the seed, helping to prevent damage from physical and environmental factors like pests, disease, and extreme temperatures. It also helps regulate water uptake and germination, ensuring the seed develops properly.

Why do seeds have a outer covering as husk?

The outer covering, or husk, protects the seed from environmental factors such as predators, moisture, and physical damage. It also helps regulate the seed's germination by controlling the release of nutrients and water. Additionally, the husk can aid in seed dispersal by making seeds more attractive to animals or facilitating wind dispersal.

What part of a seed develops first?

The root typically develops first from a seed, followed by the shoot. The root anchors the plant in soil and absorbs water and nutrients, while the shoot emerges above ground to support the growth of leaves, stems, and eventually flowers.

What is the name of illupai seed in English?

oil seed

What is another name for a seed protector?

Seed coat.

What is a seed coat?

A seed coat is the outer covering of a seed that protects the embryo inside from damage, disease, and dehydration. It plays a vital role in seed germination by regulating water intake and protecting the seed from environmental stresses.