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chloroplast( it is ovual shaped and has lines with stacked lines between them)

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The organelle responsible for breaking down glucose and releasing energy is the mitochondrion. This process is known as cellular respiration, where glucose is oxidized to produce ATP, the cell's main energy source.

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Q: What is the organelle that breaks down food found in the form of glucose and releases energy?
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An organelle that breaks down sugar and releases energy?


What changes glucose into energy?

The process of cellular respiration breaks down glucose and releases energy that is stored in molecules of ATP.

A cell organelle that breaks down food molecules and releases energy?

The mitochondria releases energy from food molecules. This is where all things are broken down and turned into energy for the cell.

What organelle releases energy from sugar?

The mitochondrion (plural = mitochondria)

What does the body do with the energy released during cellular respiration?

breaks down the food and releases oxygen and glucose.

Which process breaks down food molecules and releases energy?

The process that breaks down food molecules and releases energy is called cellular respiration. This process occurs in the cells of organisms and produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of the cell, through the breakdown of glucose and other molecules in the presence of oxygen.

Which organelle is involved in Which of a cell's organelles releases energy stored in food?

The mitochondria is the organelle responsible for releasing energy stored in food through the process of cellular respiration. This organelle uses oxygen to break down glucose and other nutrients to produce ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell.

What releases energy that is stored in glucose?

The process of cellular respiration extracts the energy found in glucose.

Why do you need startch to make energy?

Starch is a complex carbohydrate that the body breaks down into glucose, which is a primary energy source for cells. Glucose is used in various metabolic processes to produce ATP, the molecule that stores and releases energy for the body's functions. In summary, starch provides a source of energy by converting into glucose in the body.

Which organelle breaks down food into molecules the cell can use for energy?

The organelle responsible for breaking down food into molecules that the cell can use for energy is the mitochondria. Through a process called cellular respiration, mitochondria convert glucose and other nutrients into a form of energy called ATP.

What is more sensible to have at a start of a race a drink of glucose or a slice of bread?

Glucose because the glucose drink releases its energy quickly (needed for a race) whereas the bread releases its energy slowly.

Which organelle supply energy to the cell?

The mitochondria is the main organelle that provides energy for the cell. The second organelle is the Golgi apparatus. It stores, transports, and releases the energy inside and outside of the cell.