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That would be the urinary bladder.

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Q: What is the organ that holds uran until it leaves the body?
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What organ that holds urine until it leaves the body?


What organ holds waste until it is expelled from the body?

The bladder holds urine. The colon holds feces.

What is the organ that holds urine until it is excreted?

The bladder is the organ that holds urine until it is excreted from the body through the urethra. It stores urine produced by the kidneys until it is released during urination.

What is the holding tank that holds the urine after processing until excretion from the body?

The holding tank that holds urine after processing until excretion from the body is the urinary bladder. This organ is responsible for storing urine until it is eliminated from the body through the urethra.

Which organ holds urine until it leaves the body?

The bladder holds urine until it is released out of the body through the urethra. The bladder is a hollow organ located in the pelvis. When it is full, it sends signals to the brain to indicate that it is time to empty the urine.

What body organ or structure holds urine before it is expelled from the body?

the bladder

What organ holds urine before it is released from the body?

The bladder.

What organ holds urine before it is expelled from th the body?

The bladder

What organ holds urine?

The Kidneys.Kidneys don't hold urine they produce urine which is then stored in the bladder.

What is the organ that holds waste materials before they are passed from the body?

The rectum is the organ that stores waste materials before they are passed from the body through the anus during a bowel movement.

Where is the rectoral located in body?

There is no organ in the body called the rectoral. Do you mean rectum? That is what you call the last part of the large intestine, where it leaves the body at the anus.

Is an elastic muscular organ that holds urine?

It is the bladder.