In Daylight Saving Time, you turn your clocks forward in the spring and backward in the fall.
Remember to "spring forward, fall back" for daylight saving time. In spring, set the clock forward one hour; in fall, set it back one hour. This phrase helps you remember which way to adjust your clock.
The opposite of a neap tide is a spring tide. Spring tides occur when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned, resulting in higher high tides and lower low tides.
"Spring forward" refers to the practice of advancing the clock by one hour during the spring season to make better use of daylight. This time adjustment is typically done in regions that observe daylight saving time.
For spring daylight saving time, you set the clock forward. This means you move the clock ahead by one hour to account for the longer hours of daylight in the evenings.
The duration of Spring Forward is 1.83 hours.
The 'opposite' of Autumn is Spring. The opposite of Autumn (Fall) is Spring.
Spring Forward was created on 2000-12-08.
Spring Forward - 1999 is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:NC-16 USA:R
The opposite of backwards is forwards.
SPRING forward, FALL back. SPRING forward, FALL back.
Winter. And the opposite of Autumn is Spring, not that you asked!
In 2010, the clocks will spring forward on March 14th. They will spring forward one hour, so when it is 6:00 in your head, the clock will say its 7:00.....I think...oh yes yes that is right!!!
Spring into action! Spring forward, Fall backward.
forward/ striker