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There is not an opposite, as such. An intellectual midget, perhaps?

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Q: What is the opposite of scientist?
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What is opposite of scientist?

A christian

What is the opposite of storyteller?

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What principle do scientist rely on in the latest model?

that opposite electric charges attract that opposite electric charges attract

Which scientist said an orbital must have opposite spins?

The scientist who proposed that celestial bodies in our solar system must have opposite spins in order to explain their current rotational directions was Sir James Jeans. This idea became known as the "cosmic twinning hypothesis."

Why do you get attracted to the opposite sex?

Attraction to the opposite sex is typically driven by biological instincts for procreation and the perpetuation of the species. Evolutionarily, diverse genetics increase the chances of healthy offspring, so individuals are often drawn to those who appear physically fit and capable of providing for potential offspring. Additionally, social and cultural factors can influence what qualities are considered attractive in a partner.

Who discover theory collision?

Two scientist from the opposite sides of the world- Max Trautz in 1916 and William Lewis 1918.

What famous scientist who discovered gravity also wrote a law that says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction which is the law that governs the rocket?

The famous scientist who discovered gravity and formulated the law stating that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is Sir Isaac Newton. This principle, known as Newton's Third Law of Motion, is crucial in understanding rocket propulsion as it explains how rockets are able to generate thrust through the expulsion of exhaust gases in one direction to produce movement in the opposite direction.

How can you think like a scientist?

listen to the scientist feel the scientist be the scientist taste the scientist bam ur scientist

A person who studies science?

A scientist is someone who studies science.

Is a computer Repairman the same as a computer scientist?

No, a computer repairman is a computer technician. A computer scientist is someone who studies the architecture of computers and helps design them. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum. A computer scientist is much like an architect in that they design things for manufacturers to build, creating ideas for new technologies and new types of systems, while a repair technician rebuilds computers back to an operating state based on how they are already designed.

Is Albert Einstein a scinentist?

No, he was a scientist.

What is the opposite side of the globe from the Prime Meridian called?

The opposite side of the globe from the Prime Meridian is called the International Date Line. It is located 180 degrees away from the Prime Meridian and serves as the marker where each new day begins.