The opposite of an active volcano is an extinct volcano, which is a volcano that has not erupted in a long time and is not expected to erupt again.
The opposite of intentional is unintentional, meaning not done deliberately or on purpose.
The opposite of pleasant is unpleasant, meaning not enjoyable or causing discomfort or displeasure.
The third type of volcano is considered extinct, meaning it has not erupted in historical times and is not expected to erupt again in the future.
The opposite of optimum is suboptimal, meaning less than ideal or not the best possible outcome.
The opposite of an active volcano is an extinct volcano, which is a volcano that has not erupted in a long time and is not expected to erupt again.
what is opposite meaning of lucid
of Volcano
the opposite meaning is to be rememberd or known not to be forgotten
The opposite meaning of unceasing is ceasing, or, to cease. &:-)
Another word for "opposite meaning" is an "antonym." For example, the opposite of fat is thin. The opposite of rich is poor. The opposite of up is down.
There is no antonym for the word avenge, although there is an opposite for the meaning. The meaning is revenge, so the opposite meaning would be forgiveness.
There are several possible words:For useless meaning valueless, the opposite could be "treasured."For useless meaning not workable, the opposite could be "effective."For useless meaning not required, the opposite could be "necessary."For useless meaning worthless, the opposite could be "practical."For useless meaning inappropriate, the opposite could be "pertinent."For useless meaning unhelpful, the opposite could be "desirable."useful - look it up in a dicitonary and you'll see a picture of me.
The opposite meaning of sissy would be tough, strong, or masculine.
The opposite of benefit is unbenefit.