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By accretion of hydrogen from a nearby star which ignites and starts nuclear fusion in a runaway manner. The explosion is only on the surface of the white dwarf - this is a nova [See related question]

If however, it accretes enough hydrogen to push it's mass over the Chandrasekhar limit [See related link] of about 1.38 solar masses, the whole white dwarf will explode as a supernova type Ia [See related link]

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3mo ago

A white dwarf can suddenly explode in a supernova if it accretes enough material from a companion star to surpass the Chandrasekhar limit (about 1.4 solar masses), causing a runaway nuclear fusion reaction. This releases an immense amount of energy, completely disrupting the star.

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No. White dwarfs can only produce explosions in close binary systems.

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YES. A typical white dwarf star is only a bit bigger than the Earth.

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A supergiant is much larger than a white dwarf. A supergiant can be 10 to 70 times the size of our Sun, whereas a white dwarf is only about the size of the Earth.

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A white dwarf that has stopped radiating energy would essentially cool down and fade away into a black dwarf. This cooling process can take billions of years, during which the white dwarf becomes invisible to telescopes that detect radiation and can only be inferred by its gravitational influence.

What causes a white dwarf supernova?

A white dwarf supernova occurs when a white dwarf star in a binary system accretes material from a companion star, causing it to exceed the Chandrasekhar limit (1.4 solar masses). The core then undergoes a runaway nuclear fusion reaction, leading to a catastrophic explosion that destroys the white dwarf.

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white dwarf. unless you count black dwarf of which none have been observed, only theorized.

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Yes, some of the 20 nearest stars are white dwarfs. For example, Sirius B, the companion star to Sirius A, is a white dwarf. Among the 20 brightest stars, Sirius B is the only white dwarf.