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In your chest right

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Emie Howe

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2y ago
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9y ago

The only place cardiac muscles can be found are in the heart.

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Q: What is the only place cardiac muscles can be found?
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Cardiac muscle is found only in the?

Cardiac muscles are only found in your heart.

Where will you find cardiac muscles?

There is only one place you will find cardiac muscles and that is the heart.

What muscles is involuntary?

The cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary. The cardiac is found only in the heart and the smooth muscles are found mostly inside the walls of organs.

In which part of the body would you find the cardiac muscle?

cardiac muscles are located in the heart only

What do cardiac muscles do in the body?

Cardiac muscles help the heart. This is the only place in the body that cardiac muscle is located.

Muscles found only in the walls of your heart?

Cardiac muscles are found only in the walls of the heart. They are specialized muscles that contract and relax to pump blood throughout the body, and they are involuntary, meaning we cannot control their contraction.

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are this?

Both skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated muscles.

Are cardiac muscles considered smooth muscles?

No, cardiac muscles are not considered smooth muscles. Cardiac muscles are a specialized type of muscle found in the heart that is striated (has a striped appearance under a microscope) and functions involuntarily. Smooth muscles, on the other hand, are found in organs such as blood vessels and the digestive tract, and do not have striations.

What are cardiac muscles where are they found?

In the heart.

What type of of muscle is found only in the heart?

Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Cardiac muscle contains the proteins actin and myosin. All the other muscles are smooth or skeletal.

Cardiac muscles are the most numerous muscles in the body?

cardiac muscle is only found in the heart so it is used constantly but it isn't the most common muscle found in the body, this would be skeletal muscle.

Are cardiac muscle cells found in the heart and in large blood vessels?

Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart.