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Possible blood types are A, B, or AB. Basically, the offspring can be any blood type except for O.

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The mother has I^A I^B alleles and the father has I^B I^B or I^B i. The offspring can inherit I^A I^B for AB, I^A i for A, I^B I^B for B, or I^B i for B.

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Q: What is the offspring when the mother has blood type AB and the father has a blood type B?
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Can a heterozygous mother with A blood have an O blood child by an AB blood man?

Yes, it is possible for a heterozygous mother with blood type A to have an O blood child when the father has blood type AB. This occurs because the mother provides an O allele and the father provides a recessive O allele, resulting in the child having blood type O.

Can a mother with O type blood type and a father with A blood type have a baby with B type blood?

Yes, it is possible for a mother with O blood type and a father with A blood type to have a baby with B blood type. This is because the A and B blood type alleles are dominant over the O blood type allele, allowing for the B blood type to be expressed in the offspring.

What are blood types of offspring if mother is O plus and father is O?

The blood type for both parents must be OO since the O blood type is recessive. That means the child will definitely be O. The mother, since she has an Rh factor of + must be either ++ or +-. The father must be --. So, if the mother is ++, then the child will be O+. If the mother is +-, then there is a 50% chance that the child is O- and a 50% chance that they will be O+.

Mother has Group AB blood and father has Group O blood what can the child have?

We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.Parental information:Mother type AB -- can offer the offspring Genes A & BFather type OO -- can only offer the offspring Gene OBaby receives one gene from each parent: Baby is type AOBaby is type BOThe baby can only get the O gene from his mother; therefore, whichever gene he gets from his father, the A or the B, is what his blood type will be.

What if a man has blood type O what blood type will the child have if in case the mother do not know her blood type?

If the father has blood type O and the mother's blood type is not known, the child could have blood type O if the mother also has blood type O, or if the mother has blood type A or B and is a carrier of the O gene. Without knowing the mother's blood type, it is not possible to determine the child's blood type with certainty.

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Bothe the mother and father have blood type O What are the possible blood types of the offspring?


What the mother is A and the father B can they have a blood-type offspring?

A, B, AB, O ---> all of them

What blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has type A blood and the father has B blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

What blood type can be found in an offspring if mother has type A blood and the father has type b blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

What blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has a type A blood and the father has type B blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

What blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has type a and the father has type b blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

What blood type (or types) can be found in an offspring if a mother has A blood and the father has type B blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

What blood type (or types) can be found in an offspring of a mother has type O blood and the father as type B blood?

Without any further information about the blood types of the offspring's parents, you can say that the offspring of a parent with type A and parent of type B could have any blood type -- A, B, O, or AB.

What blood type can be found if the mother has type AB blood and the father has type A blood?

If the father is homozygous for the B blood group, giving him the BB blood genotype, and the mother's genotype is AB (the only genotype for the AB blood group), then their offspring could have either the AB or B blood groups. If the father is heterozygous for the B blood group, giving him the BO genotype, then their offspring could have the AB, A, or B blood groups. However, they could not produce an offspring with the O blood group.

Could a female with B type and a man with AB type blood produce an offspring with O type blood?

Yes, an individual with blood type B can produce an offspring with blood type A. The explanation for this is that a mother with the blood type A can have a child with a father who has a blood type of A or AB and produce a child with type A blood.

What blood type can be seen in an offspring if a mother has type A blood and the father has type B blood?

It depends on if one or both parents carry type O. If they do not, then the only type will be AB. If they do carry O, then the offspring can be AO, AB, BO or OO.

What blood type will the offspring be if the Mother has A- blood and the father has O- blood?

The offspring could have blood type A- or O- due to the possible combination of A and O alleles from the parents.