Yellow bell pepper is a common yellow flowering vegetable.
Gold is a metal, and pure gold does not have a distinct odor. Any smell associated with gold would likely be from oils, dirt, or contaminants on the surface of the metal.
Iodoform has the chemical formula CHI3; it is a crystalline solid, volatile, yellow, with a characteristic odor. Iodoform was used as antiseptic.
Polonium has no odor.
DDT hasn't an odor.
A yellow bell pepper typically has a mild, slightly sweet aroma with hints of grassiness.
The scientific name of yellow bell is "Tecoma stans."
smells like taco bell
Some florist lillies look like a bell.
At room temperature pure sulfur is yellow and hasn't odor.
The yellow bell is on the beach south of your farm its off the road to Flute Fields It is called the rusty bell for now but it is the yellow bell. Take it to the harvest goddess to find out what to do next.
The yellow bell pepper
Yellow bell pepper is a common yellow flowering vegetable.