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7mo ago

The noun form of "avoid" is avoidance.

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Q: What is the noun of the word avoid?
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Related questions

What is the the noun of avoid?

The noun for the verb to avoid is avoidance. The word avoiding can also be a noun (gerund), and is probably used more.

Is dodge a noun?

Yes the word dodge can be a noun. It is mostly used as a verb to mean to avoid.

What is a word that stands you place of a noun?

A word that stands in place of a noun is a pronoun.

What do you call a word that can be substituted for a noun?

A word that can be substituted for a noun is called a pronoun. Pronouns are used to replace nouns in sentences to avoid repetition and to make the writing or speech more concise.

Is word he common noun or pronoun?

"He" is a pronoun because it is used to replace a noun to avoid repetition. It refers to a specific person or thing previously mentioned.

Which noun is the object of preposition of we avoid hiking in the summertime?

The word 'summertime' is the object of the preposition 'in'. The gerund, hiking is the object of the verb 'avoid'.

What is the noun and pronoun?

A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea, while a pronoun is a word that can function as a substitute for a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are used to avoid repeating the same noun multiple times in a passage and can refer back to a previously mentioned noun.

Which is the word for the noun or noun phrase in a sentence that is later replaced by a pronoun?

The word for the noun or noun phrase in a sentence is called the antecedent. This antecedent is later replaced by a pronoun to avoid repetition and make the writing or speech flow more smoothly.

What is difference between noun and pronoun?

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea, while a pronoun is a word that can take the place of a noun. Pronouns are used to avoid repeating the same noun multiple times in a sentence.

Is someone's name a pronoun?

No, someone's name is not a pronoun. A pronoun is a word that can be used in place of a noun to avoid repetition. A name is a noun that specifically identifies a person or thing.

What is abstract noun for caution?

The word 'caution' is an abstract noun form as a word for care, forethought, or prudence in order to try to avoid risks or danger; a warning issued by the weather service or other authority; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.The abstract noun form of the verb to caution is the gerund, cautioning.

What type of noun is care?

The noun 'care' is a common, abstract noun; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.The noun 'care' is an uncountable (mass) noun as a word for the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something; serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk.The noun 'care' (cares) is a countable noun as a word for an object or source of worry.The word 'care' is also a verb: care, cares, caring, cared.