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The noun forms for the verb to explore are explorer, exploration, and the gerund, exploring.

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Q: What is the noun of the verb explore?
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What is an abstract noun for explore?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to explore are exploration and the gerund, exploring.

What is the abstract noun for-Explore?

The abstract noun forms for the verb to explore are explorer, exploration, and the gerund, exploring.

What part of speech is exploration?

The word explore is a verb. The past tense is explored.

Is explore an adjective?

No, it is a noun. An explorer is a person.

What part of speech is the word explore?

The word, "Explore" is an action word. Therefore, it is a verb.

Is explored a verb?

no explore is a verb explorers is a noun

Is exploration a noun?

No, the word explore is a verb: explore, explores, exploring, explored.The noun forms for the verb to explore are explorer, exploration, and the gerund, exploring.

What is the subject and verb here you will explore the cave?

Subject is you. Verbal phrase is will explore.

Is will explore an adverb?

"Will explore" is a verb phrase, not an adverb. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb by providing more information about how, when, where, or to what extent something is done.

What is the noun for infect?

Ah, the noun for "infect" is "infection." Just like how a little bird spreads its wings, the word "infection" spreads from the verb "infect." It's all part of the beautiful language landscape we get to explore together.

What is the noun form of the verb noun?

The noun form of the verb "noun" is "noun-ness" or "nominalization."

Is 'is' a verb or noun?

The noun 'is' is a verb, a form of the verb 'to be'. The verb 'is' functions as an auxiliary verb and a linking verb.