The noun need is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a circumstance in which something is necessary, or that requires some course of action; a word for a concept.
Yes, the noun 'need' is an abstract noun, sometimes called an 'idea' noun'.The noun 'need' is a a word for a circumstance in which something is necessary, or that requires some course of action; a word for a concept.
The word 'needed' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to need.The word need is also a noun form, a singular, common abstract noun; a word for circumstances in which something is necessary; a necessity.The noun form for the verb to need is needing.
The noun 'need' can function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:His need of a tutor was obvious to his parents. (subject of the sentence)We had to evaluate which need was the top priority. (subject of the relative clause)He had a need for a better car so he took a second job. (direct object of the verb 'had')Mother stayed at my bedside despite her need to rest. (object of the preposition 'despite')
Yes, "Composite volcano" should be capitalized when it is used as a proper noun or in a title. When used generically to describe a type of volcano, it may not need to be capitalized.
The noun 'oil' is a common, concrete, uncountable noun.The plural noun 'oils' is a word for 'types of' or 'kinds of' oil.The word 'oil' is also a verb: oil, oils, oiling, oiled.Example sentences:Noun: I need some oil for these hinges.Verb: When I find it, I will oil the hinges.Noun: We have a number of gourmet oils.
Yes , need is a noun.
Yes, the noun 'need' is an abstract noun, sometimes called an 'idea' noun'.The noun 'need' is a a word for a circumstance in which something is necessary, or that requires some course of action; a word for a concept.
No, "need" is typically a verb or a noun, not an adverb.
No, it is not a proper noun. It is a common noun and does not need to have a cap.
The subject of the noun clause "what you need" is you.
Yes, the noun 'need' is an abstract noun, a word for a necessity or requirement; a word something of basic sustenance; a word for a concept.
Yacht is a singular noun. You are unclear about the meaning of "what noun is it". You need to ask more clearly what you are looking for.
Need is an abstract noun; a need is an 'object' that exists within the human mind. Of course, specific examples of needs may be common, proper or collective nouns; for example, food, a common noun, can be classified as a need.The word need can also be used as a verb; 'to need' is an action.
The noun form of the adjective 'needy' is neediness.The word 'needy' is the adjective form of the noun need.
"Help" can be a common noun, as in "I need help," or a verb, as in "Can you help me?"
Yes. Diaper is a common noun. However, it may also be used as a verb. Used as a noun "I need to change the baby's diaper." Used as a verb "You need to diaper the baby."
No, "needn't" is not a noun. It is a contraction of "need not," used to indicate absence of necessity or obligation.