The noun forms of the verb to coexist are coexistence and the gerund, coexisting.
Coexist Collaborate Contribute Conspire
The Coexist symbol typically represents the idea of different religions and ideologies peacefully coexisting in society. The symbols within it - the crescent moon (Islam), peace sign (Christianity), and others - represent various faiths and beliefs coming together in harmony.
Yes, at boiling point and in a close container a liquid and its vapours coexist.
By a line separating the phases
The two species have learned to coexist peacefully in the same habitat.
That is the correct spelling of the word "coexist".
Different social groups must learn to coexist.
Coexist is pronounced as "koh-ig-zist."
Nations can coexist in peace if they agree to resolve their problems through compromise.
Yes, Marriages coexist with fundamental cultural differences...
There are a great many different species of birds that coexist. Finches, robins, and blue birds all coexist with each other for example.
Yes, Marriages coexist with fundamental cultural differences...
although the two people use different techniques they manage to coexist
Co- is the prefix. This prefix means with or together.
I coexist with my family.(coexist - able to live together without any problems)