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Between 60 to 100 beats a minute. An average of 80 beats a minute.

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Q: What is the normal heart rate of adult at rest?
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Normal pulse rate for 20 year old?

A rest and with a normal heart the HR ( Heart rate) is between 60 - 100 BPM

How many times does your heart beat when you are an adult?

The normal heart rate for an adult at rest is between 60 to 100 beats a minute

You are 26 with a heart rate of 50 is that dangerous?

The normal adult heart rate at rest is between 60 and 80 bpm. Thus, anything below or higher at rest, should be checked with a physician to be on the safe side.The normal adult heart rate at rest is between 60 and 80 bpm. Thus, anything below or higher at rest, should be checked with a physician to be on the safe side.The normal adult heart rate at rest is between 60 and 80 bpm. Thus, anything below or higher at rest, should be checked with a physician to be on the safe side.The normal adult heart rate at rest is between 60 and 80 bpm. Thus, anything below or higher at rest, should be checked with a physician to be on the safe side.The normal adult heart rate at rest is between 60 and 80 bpm. Thus, anything below or higher at rest, should be checked with a physician to be on the safe side.The normal adult heart rate at rest is between 60 and 80 bpm. Thus, anything below or higher at rest, should be checked with a physician to be on the safe side.

What is the normal heart beat rate for an adult?

Some highly trained athlete's heart rates can drop into the low 30s but most people are between 45 and 60. Usually figure about 10% lower than your resting heart rate

What is the normal heart rate for adults in beats per minute or BPM?

The "normal" heart rate for an adult at rest is 60 to 100 beats per minute. People who excercise regularly and are in good physical condition may have heart rates into the 50's and are still considered normal.

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Is 66 a normal heart rate for a 19 year old?

What the medical field considers a normal, resting heart rate in a healthy adult is between 60-100 beats per minute. So a heart rate of 66 in a healthy 19 year old adult is normal if 60 and regular.

What is the normal heart rate of a child at rest?

about 60 at rest, but up to 180 with exercise.

How many times does a person's heart beat every second?

It depends on your size, age and physical condition. A newborn has a heart rate of 70-100 bpm. A normal sized adult (at rest) has a heart rate of about 55-100 bpm (beats per minute).

Is a 150bpm a normal heart rate?

Genuinely depends on your age and the level of exertion you are having. If you were a baby in the womb then this could be considered a normal resting heart rate. If you are doing strenuous exercise, this could again be a normal heart rate. However, in an adult a normal resting heart rate is usually between 60 - 100 bpm. A healthy resting heart rate is more likely between 60 and 70 bpm. A resting heart rate is when you are doing no activity, such as lying down. If your heart rate is 150bpm when you are at rest this could be a sign that you are pretty unhealthy. A resting heart rate this high should probably be checked out by a doctor as it could lead to health complications in the future.

Normal resting heart rate for 45 year old male?

Resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute when it's at rest. The best time to find your resting heart rate is in the morning after a good night's sleep and before you get out of bed. The average resting heart rate for an adult is 60-80 beats per minute. However, for people who are physically fit, it's generally lower. Also, resting heart rate usually rises with age. - From the American Heart Association.

How fast does your heart pump after run?

I have tracked my heart rate at 125 beats per minute after sprinting. The normal heart rate at rest is about 55 for me.