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Thunderstorms are usually associated with low pressure.

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Q: What is the normal air pressure during a thunderstorm?
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Why does the wind blow into a thunderstorm?

Winds blow into a thunderstorm because of differences in air pressure. Air from surrounding areas with higher pressure rushes into the lower pressure area of the thunderstorm, resulting in wind movement towards the storm.

What is the air pressure range of a thunderstorm?


What is the air pressure of a thunderstorm?

Air pressure within a thunderstorm can vary, but it typically decreases as the storm intensifies due to rising warm air. In extreme cases, the pressure can drop significantly within the core of a thunderstorm, creating a low-pressure system that contributes to the storm's intensity.

What is the average air pressure in a thunderstorm?

The average air pressure in a thunderstorm can vary, but it is typically lower than the surrounding air due to the updrafts and downdrafts associated with the storm. This pressure drop can contribute to the intensity of the storm and the formation of severe weather.

An area of low pressure and a thunderstorm develop over warm ocean waters The heat given off by the thunderstorm warms the atmosphere This warm air rises causing the air pressure to drop further?

a hurricane

What is the air pressure in a blizzard?

up to about 100.

Can air pressure decreases drastically?

Yes, air pressure can decrease drastically in situations such as during a strong storm or a rapid ascent in altitude. These changes in pressure can have effects on individuals and the environment.

What are spiraling columns of air during a thunderstorm called?

They are called tornadoes. Tornadoes are violent rotating columns of air that extend from a thunderstorm to the ground.

Are air currents downward during the final stages in a thunderstorm?


What sound occurs because of rapidly expanding air during a thunderstorm?


How does the atmospheric pressure change in and around thunderstorms?

Atmospheric pressure decreases in the vicinity of a thunderstorm due to the rapid updraft of warm air. This drop in pressure is often associated with the development of a thunderstorm. Outside the storm, pressure may briefly increase as air is drawn into the storm's circulation.

What would the air pressure be during a tornado?

During a tornado, the air pressure can drop significantly. It is not uncommon to see pressure drops of 10-20% below normal levels, which can correspond to pressures around 28 to 30 inches of mercury (950-1010 millibars).