

What is the niche of seals?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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the seahorses' niche is to eat the brine shrimp, phytoplankton and zooplankton in it's habitat (hiding in seaweed) in the sunlight zone.

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Q: What is the niche of seals?
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What is a seals niche?

Seals are a group of marine mammals. The niche for seals are the sea in cold waters. Seals are predators and eat anything from fish, mollusks, and crustaceans.

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A niche is the role that an organism plays in it's environment, so when finding the niche of the African penguin you have to consider, where it sits in the food web, it eats and limits the population of small fish such as pilchards, anchovies, horse mackerel, and sardines. It is a food source for sharks and fur seals, so without the penguin, these animals would become on the decline too. Therefore the African penguin Niche is to balance out the Marine Habitat.

What is a penguins niche?

Penguins are marine birds that have adapted to life in cold, aquatic environments. Their niche includes feeding on fish and squid, avoiding predators such as seals and orcas, and breeding and nesting on ice or rocky shores. Penguins are well-suited for swimming and diving in the ocean to catch prey, and they have unique waterproof feathers and a layer of blubber to stay warm in cold temperatures.

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An organisms role or job in its environment is known as?

An organism's role or job in its environment is known as its ecological niche. This includes factors such as what it eats, where it lives, how it reproduces, and its interactions with other organisms in the ecosystem.

Could an organism's realized niche be larger than its fundamental niche?

Yes, an organism's realized niche can be larger than its fundamental niche due to factors such as competition, predation, and environmental changes. The realized niche is the actual space an organism occupies and the resources it utilizes in the presence of other species, while the fundamental niche represents the full range of conditions where a species can survive and reproduce.

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A niche is an organism's way of life within an ecosystem. This differs from a habitat, which is only the place where an organism lives.

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What is niche compression?

Niche compression refers to a phenomenon in ecology where the niches of different species overlap or shrink due to competition for limited resources. This can lead to reduced diversity within a community as species are forced to occupy more similar ecological niches. Niche compression can result in increased competition and potentially lead to the extinction of some species.