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Countries and businesses must reduce wages paid to workers in order to attract foreign investment.

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3mo ago

One disadvantage of globalization is the widening wealth gap between wealthy and developing countries. This can lead to exploitation of cheap labor, environmental degradation, and loss of cultural diversity.

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10y ago

Depending on your point of view, one of the biggest disadvantages of globalization is that the rich get richer and the poor remain poor. If you're an investor, you'll love globalization. If you're a worker, you're not really going to benefit in any meaningful way.

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15y ago

Multinational corporations are legally bound to put profit for their shareholders above all else, including the environment and the welfare of human beings.I would recommend that you see the film "The corporation". In it, some disturbing parallels are drawn between the behaviour of corporate entities and the behaviour of psycopathic individuals.In court, a corparation has the same , if not more rights than an individual.They have a policy called "Externalization" , which ensures that the true costs of their activities are passed on to others.

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15y ago

It only benefits a handful of the world's countries.

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Poor workers in developing countries may not share in economic gains (apex)

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Increased economic activity has had a negative effect on the environment-Apex

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13y ago

It is the exact opposite of "The Positive Effect of the Power of Community".

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Where is globalization now?

Globalization is currently at a point where advancements in technology and transportation have made it easier for countries to connect and trade on a global scale. However, there is also increasing discussion and debate around issues such as income inequality, environmental impact, and national sovereignty as a result of globalization.

What is A consequence of globalization is political boundaries?

Globalization results in the loss of cultural uniqueness of individual cultures in lieu of the formation of a blended culture that is a result of the various component cultures. Globalization takes focus off of the individual culture and places it on the collective culture.

How has globalization affected the study of geography?

the effect of globalization on information technology could be thatthe more people in the world the more knowledge there is to be shared with computers. as the human race develops there is alway a chance of someone being born who will know more.

How has globalization affected Kenya?

Globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges to Kenya. On one hand, it has opened up new markets for Kenyan goods and services, leading to increased trade and investment. However, it has also exposed the country to economic fluctuations and competition, impacting local industries and employment. Additionally, globalization has influenced cultural exchange and technological advancements in Kenya.

Outcomes to unrestrained to globalization?

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