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We look to the naturally occurring element uranium as a nuclear fuel.

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Q: What is the naturally occurring actinide that is used in nuclear reactors?
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What is the man-made Actinide?

Plutonium is a man-made actinide element that is produced in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It is used as a fuel in nuclear reactors and in the production of nuclear weapons.

Which actinide fuel is used in nuclear reactors?

Uranium-235 and plutonium-239 are the most common actinide fuels used in nuclear reactors as they are fissile and undergo nuclear fission reactions efficiently.

What is the only naturally occurring element used for nuclear fission?

Uranium is the only naturally occurring element used for nuclear fission in commercial nuclear reactors. It is typically found in two isotopes, uranium-235 and uranium-238, with uranium-235 being the primary isotope used for nuclear fission reactions.

What is normal phase berkelium?

Normal phase berkelium is solid. It is a radioactive metallic element that is part of the actinide series. Berkelium does not occur naturally on Earth and is primarily produced in nuclear reactors.

Is tin natural or lab created?

Tin is a naturally occurring metallic element. It is only created in supernova explosions. Radioactive tin can be created in nuclear reactors.

Does technetium have a taste?

Technetium is a radioactive metallic element with no known taste or flavor. It is not naturally occurring on Earth and is primarily produced in nuclear reactors.

What is the classification of nobelium?

Nobelium is classified as a synthetic element and a member of the actinide series on the periodic table. It is a radioactive metal that does not occur naturally and is typically produced in nuclear reactors or particle accelerators.

What naturally occurring radioistope is used as the fuel for a nuclear reactor?

Uranium-235 is the naturally occurring radioactive isotope commonly used as fuel in nuclear reactors. It undergoes nuclear fission, a process in which its nucleus splits, producing energy in the form of heat that is used to generate electricity.

Who produces Helium-3?

Helium-3 is not produced; it is a naturally occurring isotope formed through the decay of tritium. It can also be extracted during the operation of nuclear reactors and obtained through the decay of tritium in nuclear weapons.

Is polonium synthetic?

Yes, polonium is a naturally occurring element found in trace amounts in uranium ores. However, its synthetic isotopes are also produced in nuclear reactors for various scientific and industrial applications.

The element most commonly used as a fuel in nuclear fission reaction is?

The element most commonly used as a fuel in nuclear fission reactions is uranium-235. It is a naturally occurring isotope of uranium that can sustain a chain reaction under controlled conditions in nuclear reactors.

Is uranium a metal?

Yes, uranium is a metal. It is a heavy, silvery-white, radioactive metal that is part of the actinide series. Uranium is used in nuclear reactors for power generation and in nuclear weapons.