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The natural human conditioning process refers to how individuals learn and adapt to their environment through experiences and interactions. This process involves forming associations between stimuli and responses, which can influence behavior and decision-making. Conditioning can be both classical (associating stimuli with automatic responses) and operant (learning through consequences of actions).

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Q: What is the natural human conditioning process?
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Is eroding natural?

Erosion is a natural process, but human actions can speed it up significantly.

Is baking a physical change?

Everything that is made intentionally or with human interference is considered to be an artifical change. If something is altered due to natural process it is considered physical.

What is the process for natural gas extraction?

The process for extracting natural gas is hydraulic fracturing also referred to as "fracking". In this process rock is drilled in to deep enough to hit the natural gases, and pump them for extraction.

Why does free competition and natural selection seem wrong in our present social system?

By the way, this article is not talking about animal breeding issues or human breeding issues, which is not my concern, not this moment. It is about how nature uses its laws to decide intelligent living thing's existence and how human can adapt. It is not the natural law --- "free competition natural selection" is wrong but the specific meaning of it at the present social system development level is not applicable to the changed system, though its general meaning still apply. The usual meaning we use is the specific meaning of it --- competition in a process. That determines who win and who lose in a process. But the general meaning of "free competition, natural selection" includes system selection that determine processes connections and final survival. Natural selection has different forms and different selection levels, higher level selection always are more important and more decisive than the lower level ones. The natural selection we usually talk about is the process selection. It is a lower level selection on strategic and tactic level. This is the specific meaning of natural selection; it is widely used in game theory, social biological and social behavioural studies. But the general meaning of natural selection include all forms and all levels of selection including system selection which is a higher level selection which can override process selection and be the decisive selection that decides final survival. Use value has power and it only can be converted from real value --- natural value which is natural resources. Under natural process over use resources make more power and power is the hard force that always prevails. Competition pressure and natural process will always tend to cause more over use of resources but at this moment of social development, natural mechanisms on this process level cannot function to check human activities and resources are facing exhaustion and environment loading capacity are facing limit. So the natural development of this process is human life chain cut early --- extinction (natural mechanisms only on this process level can check human destruction). This is an example of winning a competition in a process does not mean "win" in a general meaning --- they extinct. The only way to achieve the general meaning of "win" is use rationality to overcome the process disadvantage of instability to win natural selection in system level --- recognise and obey natural law to use rational thinking directed rational efforts to establish rational social system and carry out rational process in it to connect human with higher level of evolution process and continue to survive. Here, the fittest is the rational beings and nature does select them. When social system evolved to high level and the structure and function become highly manmade, we have to overcome process selection pressure to win natural selection on system selection level to connect our present evolution process to a higher level of evolution process and continue to survive into far future. So, though the specific meaning of free competition and natural selection is conditional in our present social system but the general meaning of it is absolute --- it is an absolute law of the nature and can be applied universally and unconditionally. For instances: though the natural tendency driven natural process (such as self-interested opportunists'' short-sighted behaviour) will always have the advantage of natural process favoured thermodynamic stability and behavioural strategy stability, but when social system naturally developed into a critical point that the system no longer can continue under natural process, those process favoured self-interested opportunists if still stick to their old way of unlimited exploiting the nature, they will be selected out by natural selection that select out the old natural social system with its natural process. Nature selects the rational social system on system selection level that overrides process selection. That is why the endless and unlimited exploitation of natural resources will only win those smart self-interested opportunists a short while of easy life by whether choose cooperative strong development or competitive strong growth, they will all be gone with that social system --- they bring that system down along with themselves and the process that favour their behaviour. As a human being, it is actually themselves that selected themselves out of existence but not really nature's doing. A rationalist doesn't mean selfless, he just smarter --- he can rationalise his short term interest so that to get the ultimate interest --- perpetual existence.

How would you respond to someone who syas that because extinction is a natural process you should not worry about the loss of biodiversity?

While extinction is a natural process, the current rate of biodiversity loss is largely accelerated by human activities such as habitat destruction and climate change. This loss of biodiversity can have significant negative impacts on ecosystem functioning and services that are vital for human well-being. Therefore, it is important to be concerned about the loss of biodiversity and work towards conservation efforts to preserve it.

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Is eroding natural?

Erosion is a natural process, but human actions can speed it up significantly.

What can affect succession after the process has begun?

Natural and human disturbances.

What is a 'natural process'?

A natural process is a process that exists in nature rather than through human intervention. The forces involved in these processes are all products of nature.

Is man a natural resources?

Yes of course!It is because man is made by natural processes.Though human gives birth to a human but as it is a natural process man can be called a natural resource,can't he?

Conditioning that has a natural and automatic stimulus response situation is known as what?

Classical conditioning.

Is soil from eroding land natural or man made?

Soil from eroding land is natural. Erosion is a natural process that occurs due to factors like water, wind, and ice, which wear away soil and rock over time. Human activities can accelerate erosion, but the erosion process itself is a natural phenomenon.

How did human beings come to existence according to Darwin?

According to Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, human beings evolved through a process of genetic mutation and adaptation over millions of years. Through this process, early hominids gradually evolved and developed traits that resulted in the modern human species.

What is the difference between a natural resource and a human resource?

natural would be something you already find existing such as iron. but to make steel you have to process it on machinery so that would be like a human resource

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Human gas waste is commonly referred to as flatulence or farting. It is a natural byproduct of the digestion process in the digestive system.

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What is the director leading the students through the hatchery in brave new world?

The Director is leading the students through the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre in "Brave New World". He is responsible for explaining the process of creating and conditioning new human beings in this dystopian society.

Is deforestation a natural process?

Deforestation can occur as a natural process, such as through natural events like wildfires or disease outbreaks. However, human activities, such as logging and clearing land for agriculture, have significantly accelerated deforestation rates around the world.