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This is a very tricky question, unless certain parameters are given. The oldest rock in the universe, most likely was a lithium-ion. The oldest rocks in our solar system are from the Hadean Era and would include parts of the Moon and most meteorites. The oldest rocks on Earth are from the Archean Era and include some granite, diorite, anorthosite, monzonite, and komatite.

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Q: What is the name on the oldest rock to ever be around?
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What is the oldest type of moon rock returned by Apollo?

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The oldest known moon in our solar system is Jupiter's moon Ganymede, which is estimated to be around 4.5 billion years old. Ganymede is even older than our own Moon.

How old is the oldest rock?

The oldest rock of terrestrial origin (i.e. the whole rock was formed here on Earth at the same time) is the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone in Canada. It has been dates as 4.28 billion years old. The oldest single thing yet found that is known to have been formed on Earth is a zircon crystal which was located in Western Australia within a metamorphic gneiss which was part of the Narryer Gneiss Terrane. It has been dated at 4.404 Ga (4.404 billion years old) however the rock it is in is younger than this. The oldest rock ever found on Earth is actually a meteorite so was not formed here. It is estimated to have an age of around 4.56 billion years so is roughly the same age as the Earth.

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On the ocean floor where is the oldest rock?

The oldest rock in oceanic crust is that which is found the greatest distance from a mid-ocean-ridge.

Are the rolling stones the oldest living rock band?

Actually AC/DC are the oldest still living rock band

The rock at the bottom of an undisturbed sequence is?

the oldest rock in the sequence due to the principle of superposition, which states that in an undisturbed rock sequence, the oldest rocks will be at the bottom and the youngest at the top.

What is the oldest type of rock?

The rock on the way bottom, but not the vein

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