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Q: What is the name of the theory that states greenhouse gases are causing the earths surface temperature to get warmer?
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What phenomenon naturallt warms earths lower atmosphere and surface?

The greenhouse effect is the natural phenomenon that warms Earth's lower atmosphere and surface. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor trap heat from the sun, causing the temperature to rise. This process is essential for supporting life on Earth, but human activities have enhanced the greenhouse effect, leading to global warming.

If the present greenhouse effect trend continues into the year 2100 earths annual average temperature could?

Due to the Greenhouse Effect, Earth's temperature is continually rising. If the trend does not change, the Earth's annual temperature will continue to rise, causing significant ecological problems.

What absorbs energy that is radiation from earths surface?

the greenhouse effect!

What absorbed the most energy that is radiated from earths surface?

the greenhouse

During the twentieth century earths average surface temperature?

increased significantly due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, leading to the phenomenon known as global warming. This warming is primarily driven by the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing the Earth's average surface temperature to rise.

When carbon dioxide traps heat in the earths atmosphere?

This is known as the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb and trap heat from the sun, leading to a warming of the Earth's surface. This phenomenon is essential for maintaining Earth's temperature but human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have increased the concentration of these gases and intensified the greenhouse effect, causing global warming.

Why are carbon dioxide water vapor and other greenhouse gases important to life on Earths surface?

They absorb radiant energy emitted by Earths surface

What is the trapping of heat near a planet's surface by certain gases in the planet's atmosphere?

We call it the greenhouse effect, which is natural, or the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

Is the greenhouse effect more pronounced for florists or earths surface?

The greenhouse effect is more pronounced for Earth's surface overall. While florists may create a mini greenhouse effect in their greenhouses to regulate temperature and humidity, the natural greenhouse effect on Earth is a larger-scale phenomenon that traps heat in the atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

What are the componets of natural gas?

the earths surface is bound connect with the atmosphere that represents the greenhouse effect.

Why is dioxide important to life?

Carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas and retains heat radiation from the sun, which, combined with other greenhouse gases helps to maintain the earths surface temperature. Without the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere, most of the solar radiation would not be retained and thus the surface temperature would be very low and unable to sustain human life.

An unnatural temperature increase in the atmosphere near earths surface is called what?

An unnatural temperature increase in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface is called global warming