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Q: What is the name of the sugar acid produced by the reduction of D-ribose?
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What is the name of the sugar acid produced when D-ribose is oxidized?

The sugar acid produced when D-ribose is oxidized is called ribonic acid. It is formed through the oxidation of D-ribose, which involves the addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen atoms from the sugar molecule.

What is the nameof the black substance produced when concentrated sulfuric acid is added to sugar?

The black substance produced when concentrated sulfuric acid is added to sugar is called carbon.

Is it common to use hydrochloric acid for making invert sugar?

No, hydrochloric acid is not commonly used for making invert sugar. Invert sugar is typically produced by hydrolyzing sucrose with an acid catalyst such as citric acid or cream of tartar. Hydrochloric acid is a strong and corrosive acid that may not be suitable for this purpose due to its reactivity.

What two things are produced by bacterial that change milk sugar into acid by fermentation?

Butter milk and yogurt.

How do you prepare fatty acid from tartaric acid?


Does drinking vinegar and honey help one to lose weight?

If I assume no reduction in caloric intake, then no. Honey is just flavored sugar, which will add to your caloric intake. Vinegar is an acid that will be neutralized by the stronger acid of you stomach.

How does consuming sugar make the body more acidic?

When sugar is consumed, the body breaks it down into glucose. Glucose is then metabolized by the body, which produces acid as a byproduct. This acid can accumulate and lead to an increase in overall acidity in the body.

How is vinegar produced fromcassava starch?

Starch hydrolized to sugar (glucose), sugar anaerobically fermented to alcohol (ethanol), alcohol aerobicallic fermented to vinegar (acetic acid).

What is acid produced by?

The acid is produced by the body.

How is citric acid produed?

Citric acid is usually produced commercially by using a micro-organism called aspergillus niger to ferment sugar, glucose syrup, molasses etc.

Can you substitute citric acid for sugar?

No, you can't. In chemistry: sugar's a neutral, and citric acid is an acid. In cooking: sugar is sweet, and citric acid is sour.