the name of the first spacecraft to first observe venus was venera 3. The year it observed venus 1962.
Venera 3
They were all part of the "Mariner" series of spacecraft.
The NASA spacecraft currently orbiting Mercury is called the MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) spacecraft.
It was Mariner 2.
"Stars" is a name which does not identify them.
name the most recent spacecraft to orbit venus name the most recent spacecraft to orbit venus
The first spacecraft to observe Venus was the Venera 3 in 1962.
Voyager 2
The one man spacecraft was called the Mercury .
The First spacecraft was the MESSENGER. The First spacecraft was the MESSENGER.
Mercury and Venus are the two planets in our solar system that do not have moons.
Venera 3
They were all part of the "Mariner" series of spacecraft.
Mariner 10