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The Arctic Circle is at 66 degrees 32 minutes N latitude and marks the point on the Earth's surface where the Sun does not appear above the horizon at the northern Winter Solstice. It also marks the southernmost point of the Arctic Frigid Zone.

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The imaginary line that runs around the North Pole is called the Arctic Circle.

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Q: What is the name of the imaginary line that runs around the North Pole?
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What is the eath's axis mean?

That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.That refers to the imaginary line, from the north pole to the south pole, around which Earth rotates.

What is the imaginary line that connects the north pole to the south pole at the surface of the planet?

The imaginary line that connects the North Pole to the South Pole at the surface of the planet is called the Earth's axis. It is an imaginary line around which the Earth rotates.

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Earth spins around its axis(or imaginary line from the north pole to the south pole) by gravity from earth itself and the surrounding planets.

What is the imaginary line around which a planet spins?

The imaginary line around which a planet spins is called its axis. It is an invisible line that runs from the planet's north pole to its south pole and determines the direction of rotation.

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An imaginary straight line around which an object like Earth rotates is called its axis. Earth's axis is an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole, around which the planet rotates as it orbits the Sun.

What imaginary line is north pole and the south pole?

One word answer: Equator

Earth spins around an imaginary line called?

Earth spins around an imaginary line called its axis. The axis runs from the North Pole to the South Pole, and the rotation of the Earth on this axis is what causes day and night.

What this the name of the imaginary line that runs north and south from the north pole to the south pole at 0 degree s?

The imaginary line that runs north and south from the North Pole to the South Pole at 0 degrees longitude is called the Prime Meridian.

Is there a imaginary pole going through the earth call the equator?

Yes, the equator is an imaginary line that circles the Earth halfway between the North and South Poles. It divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere and plays a crucial role in determining climates and seasons around the world.

What is the imaginary line around the earth that makes it spin?

There is no such line. The imaginary line through its centre is the axis, which the Earth rotates around; the imaginary line an equal distance from the poles is the equator. Neither make it spin - that is caused by momentum from the planet's formation.

What is the imaginary line the earth rotates around?

The imaginary line that the Earth rotates around is called its axis. It runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees. This tilt is what causes the changing seasons on Earth.

Which of these is an imaginary line around which the earth appears to be turning?

The imaginary line around which the Earth appears to be turning is called the Earth's axis. It runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit around the Sun.