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Norris Geyser Basin is the hottest geyser.

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The most thermal geyser area of Yellowstone is called the Upper Geyser Basin, which is home to the famous Old Faithful geyser along with numerous other geothermal features.

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Q: What is the name of the hottest and most thermal geyser area of Yellowstone?
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What is the most thermal area in Yellowstone National Park?

The most thermal area in Yellowstone National Park is Norris Geyser Basin.

What is the hottest area in Yellowstone national park?

The whole place, but center is hottest, it's the middle of the worlds biggest breathing supervolcano.

What is the name of the most active geyser area of Yellowstone National Park?

Norris geyser basin

How did Old Faithful get to Wyoming?

Old Faithful is located in northwestern Wyoming as part of a geothermal area, the Upper Geyser Basin, located in Yellowstone National Park. Old Faithful and the Upper Geyser Basin were formed as part of the Yellowstone Caldera during the Lava Creek eruption about 640,000 years ago.

What type of energy could best be used in a geyser-filled area?

Geysers have thermal energyfrom heat transfer

What geologically is Yellowstone known for?

"Old Faithful" is a cone geyser located in Yellowstone National Park. It was the first of the park's geysers to be named, in 1870. Recent attention has been focused on the Yellowstone Caldera, a caldera and supervolcano that is estimated to be an area of about 34 X 45 miles (55 X 72 km).

When was the Yellowstone volcano last active?

The Yellowstone volcano is still active. This is proven by the 1,000 to 3,000 earthquakes per year, thermal features in Yellowstone, and active ground deformation. However, the Yellowstone volcano has not erupted in a very long time.

What geyser in old faithful area is the oldest geyser and how can you tell?

Castle Geyser

What is the area of Flaming Geyser State Park?

The area of Flaming Geyser State Park is 1,942,491.082752 square meters.

What is the biggest geyser?

The biggest geyser in the world is Steamboat Geyser, located in Yellowstone National Park, USA. It has the ability to shoot water up to 300 feet (91 meters) into the air, making it the tallest active geyser in the world.

What is the name of the geyser in yellow stone national park?

The American Yellowstone National Park is actually over a site of active volcanic action. The area has many hot water or hot mud geysers. Rain water trickles down through the ground. It becomes super heated and, due to pressure from below, may return to the surface as a plume of hot water and steam.

What is the hottest area of a star?

The core of a star is the hottest region, where nuclear fusion reactions take place, creating immense heat and energy. Temperatures in the core can reach millions of degrees Celsius.