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chestosgrets syndrome :D

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3w ago

The condition is called pectus excavatum, also known as funnel chest. It is a deformity of the chest wall in which the breastbone (sternum) sinks inward, causing the chest to look caved in or sunken.

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Q: What is the name of the condition whereby the chest fails to fuse and the chest organs are exposed?
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What is postpneumonectomy syndrome?

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Which organs are found in the chest protected by the rib?

chest lung and heart

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Levocardia is a condition where the heart is located in the correct position on the left side of the chest. This is the normal position for the heart in most individuals, as opposed to dextrocardia where the heart is positioned on the right side of the chest.

Can pectoris excavatum put preccure on internal organs?

Yes, pectus excavatum, a condition where the chest wall sinks inward, can sometimes put pressure on internal organs like the heart and lungs. It can potentially lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and reduced exercise tolerance. In severe cases, surgical correction may be considered to relieve the pressure on internal organs.

Which organ are found in the chest protected by the ribs?

The organs found in the chest are the lungs and the heart.

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there are many organs in the chest. two or these are: -lungs -heart

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Your Head.

What are the two main organs in your chest?

The lungs and the heart.

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Thoracotomy allows for study of the condition of the lungs; removal of a lung or part of a lung; removal of a rib; and examination, treatment, or removal of any organs in the chest cavity

Is the chest superior to the abdomen?

The chest is superior to the abdomen in terms of anatomical position and location within the body. The chest houses vital organs such as the heart and lungs, whereas the abdomen contains organs such as the stomach and intestines.

Why do knights wear a chest plate?

to protect their chest and vital organs e.g. lungs, heart, stomach.

What is a collection of vital organs in the chest?

The collection of vital organs in the chest is called the thoracic cavity. It includes the heart, lungs, and other important organs such as the esophagus and major blood vessels. These organs work together to support breathing and circulation.