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The Doldrums. The Horse Latitudes are further north..

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4w ago

The area of ocean near the Equator with calm and variable winds is called the doldrums. It is characterized by low pressure and little to no wind, making it challenging for sailors to navigate through.

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the doldrums

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Q: What is the name of the area of ocean near the Equator with calm and variable winds?
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What part of the equator has no wind?

The equator itself does not have consistent winds as it experiences a phenomenon known as the doldrums or the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) where air is rising. This area near the equator is characterized by light and variable winds.

The trade winds of the northern hemispheres and southern hemisphere meet at the equator in a narrow zone of weak variable winds called what?

The trade winds of the northern and southern hemispheres meet at the equator in a narrow zone known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). This area experiences weak and variable winds due to the convergence of the trade winds.

What are the characteristics of the doldrums and why do they occur?

The doldrums are a region near the equator known for calm winds, low pressure, and convectional rainfall. This occurs due to the convergence of trade winds from the northern and southern hemispheres, causing air to rise and creating a zone of weak surface winds. The lack of consistent winds in the doldrums can make sailing difficult for ships.

What is the area around the equator where trade winds meet?

The area around the equator where trade winds meet is known as the doldrums or the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). It is characterized by light and variable winds, thunderstorms, and low pressure. Sailors often encounter calm conditions in this region.

What is the area around the equator where trade winds meet called?

The area around the equator where trade winds meet are called

What kind of area does cyclone winds begin to spin?

Cyclone winds begin to spin in warm ocean waters near the equator. This is where the conditions are favorable for the formation and strengthening of cyclones.

Ocean currents flow from east to west near what?

Ocean currents flow from east to west near the sub-equatorial area. These winds are called "trade winds" and they start in Portugal, they move to the Canary Islands, to the Cape Verde and then to the West part of the Caribbean.

What are four factors the determine climate?

Four factors that determine the climate of an area are distance from the sea, ocean currents, direction of prevailing winds, and the relief of the area. The proximity to the equator also plays a role in the climate of an area.

The area around the equator where trade winds meet is called?

The area around the equator where trade winds meet is called the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). This region is known for its convergence of warm air masses, resulting in low pressure, high humidity, and frequent thunderstorms.

What kind of winds blow from 30 degrees latitude to the equator?

The winds that blow from 30 degrees latitude to the equator are known as the trade winds. These winds generally originate from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere. They are characterized by their steady and consistent nature, making them important for sailing and navigation.

Are Doldrums Regions Of light Or Absent Winds Near The Equator?

In the days of sail, ships could find themselves becalmed in the doldrums. The doldrums is a low-pressure area around the equator where the prevailing winds are calm.

What are four factors that affect temperature?

Four factors that determine the climate of an area are distance from the sea, ocean currents, direction of prevailing winds, and the relief of the area. The proximity to the equator also plays a role in the climate of an area.