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Q: What is the name of the 2 gases that make up the gas giants?
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What is saturn mainly made of?

Gases. Hence the name, "Gas Giants"

Why are gas giants given this name?

Gas giants are called as such because they are generally the largest type of planet, and they consist mostly if not entirely of gases.

Are gas giants solid?

Gas giants are not solid like rocky planets. They are made up mostly of gases such as hydrogen and helium, with a small solid core at their center. The outer layers of gas giants are composed of thick atmospheres.

What 2 gases are the gas giants made up of?

Gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn are primarily made up of hydrogen and helium. These two gases are the most abundant elements in the universe and make up a large part of the composition of gas giants.

What gases are found in the atmospheres of gas giants?

Hydrogen and Helium

What is the Name for planets whose atmosphere is made up of mostly gases?

Gas giants are planets whose atmosphere is predominantly composed of gases, such as hydrogen and helium. These planets have a small solid core surrounded by thick layers of gas. Examples of gas giants in our solar system include Jupiter and Saturn.

Why do all the gas giants have thick atmospheres?

gravity keeps the gas giants planets gases from escaping so they have thick atmosphere

How does gravity play a role in gas giants?

gravity is what holds the gas giants. As the gas giants are made up of gases...gravity must hold them in place or they will run off to space..that rhymes.

What is the nickname for the outer planets?

The outer planets are often referred to as the "gas giants" because they are primarily composed of gases like hydrogen and helium.

What are gas giants made of?

Gas giants are primarily made up of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of other gases such as methane and ammonia. They have no solid surface and their atmosphere becomes increasingly dense towards the core.

What two gases do gas giants consist primarily?

hydrogen and helium

What 2 gases do all gas giant have?

Gas giants are primarily made of hydrogen and helium.