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It depends on what you mean by "both are expressed".

In order for both alleles to be expressed, both alleles must be dominant alleles. If one allele is recessive, it will be masked.

If you are talking about alleles that are co-dominant, then both alleles would be expressed together. Ex: Red x white = red and white flower

If you are talking about incomplete dominance, then both alleles are seen as a blend of both in the offspring. Ex: red x white = pink flower

If you are talking about multiple alleles (like in human blood typing), then you can see 2 alleles expressed together. Ex: Type A x Type B can produce AB blood type.

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13y ago

In order for both traits to be expressed the two alleles of the heterozygote must be co-dominant. It is also dependent on whether the partner is homozygous or heterozygous for the same trait.

So to answer the question there is no real pattern for co-dominance unless the partner's genetics are known. Co-dominance is what makes cows black and white and makes flowers with pink petals (co-dominance of the white and red allele).

The variations based on each possible partner are too complicated to get into. A more specific question would be good.

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incomplete dominance

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Q: What is the name of inheritance pattern in which both alleles are expressed equally?
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An inheritance pattern in which a gene has more than two alleles?

Polygenic inheritance is an inheritance pattern in which a trait is controlled by multiple genes, each with two or more alleles. This results in a continuous range of phenotypes rather than distinct categories.

How is co dominance and incomplete dominance similar?

Both co-dominance and incomplete dominance involve a situation where alleles do not follow the traditional dominant-recessive pattern of inheritance. In both cases, heterozygous individuals show a phenotype that is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes. The main difference is that in co-dominance, both alleles are fully expressed, while in incomplete dominance, the phenotype is a mix of the two alleles.

What is codominance?

Codominance is a genetic concept where two different alleles for a gene are both expressed in the phenotype of a heterozygous individual. This results in a phenotype that shows traits from both alleles rather than a blending of the two.

What is an inheritable pattern in which two different alleles contribute to the phenotype in separate and distinguishable ways?

Codominance is an inheritable pattern where two different alleles for a gene are both expressed in the phenotype, resulting in a unique trait that displays characteristics of both alleles. This leads to a distinct phenotype that is a combination of the traits produced by both alleles.

Can you determine whether an allele is dominant or rescessive on the basis of the ratio of the phenotypes in the population?

No, the determination of whether an allele is dominant or recessive is based on the inheritance pattern of the traits. Dominant alleles are expressed in the phenotype even if only one copy is present, while recessive alleles are only expressed when two copies are present. Phenotype ratios in a population can hint at the presence of dominant or recessive traits but do not definitively determine the dominance relationship of an allele.

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Types of dominance, multiple alleles, sex linked inheritance, polygenic inheritance and maternal inheritance.

Pattern of inheritance in which both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the organism?

Codominance is the pattern of inheritance in which both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the organism. This means that neither allele is dominant or recessive, and both are expressed in the phenotype of the individual.

Inheritance pattern of phenylketonuria and tay-sachs disease?

codominant alleles

An inheritance pattern in which a gene has more than two alleles?

Polygenic inheritance is an inheritance pattern in which a trait is controlled by multiple genes, each with two or more alleles. This results in a continuous range of phenotypes rather than distinct categories.

Alleles that are neither dominant nor recessive produce an inheritance pattern known as .?


Is recessive the process in which DNA changes to form new alleles?

No, recessive traits refer to the inheritance pattern of the allele. In the simple case where a trait is either expressed or not, if it is a recessive trait it will only be the expressed phenotype when it is homozygous. Dominant allele phenotypes will show if the genotype is heterozygous.

What type of inheritance pattern (are the A and B alleles to each other (Autosomal dominant-Regular dominant-recessive relationship, X linked, co-dominant, incomplete dominant)?

Incomplete dominance

When a trait has more than two alleles how is the trait inherited?

When a trait has more than two alleles, it can be inherited in various ways depending on the interaction of the alleles. Multiple alleles can exist at a single genetic locus, and the specific inheritance pattern is determined by factors like dominance, recessiveness, and co-dominance. Each individual can still only inherit two alleles for a specific gene, but the presence of multiple alleles can create a wider range of possible genotypes and phenotypes.

How is co dominance and incomplete dominance similar?

Both co-dominance and incomplete dominance involve a situation where alleles do not follow the traditional dominant-recessive pattern of inheritance. In both cases, heterozygous individuals show a phenotype that is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes. The main difference is that in co-dominance, both alleles are fully expressed, while in incomplete dominance, the phenotype is a mix of the two alleles.

To describe how traits can disappear and reappear in a certain pattern from generation to generation Mendel proposed?

Mendel proposed the concept of dominant and recessive alleles that determine trait expression in offspring. Through his experiments, he discovered that traits can disappear in one generation due to being masked by dominant alleles, but can reappear in future generations when those recessive alleles are passed down and expressed. This pattern of inheritance is now known as Mendelian genetics.

What is codominance?

Codominance is a genetic concept where two different alleles for a gene are both expressed in the phenotype of a heterozygous individual. This results in a phenotype that shows traits from both alleles rather than a blending of the two.

A pattern in which both versions of a gene show?

A pattern where both versions, or alleles, of a gene are fully expressed in the phenotype is called codominance. In this scenario, the traits associated with both alleles are visible in the offspring. An example is the ABO blood group system, where an individual can have both A and B antigens expressed on their red blood cells if they inherit both A and B alleles.