One showing an igneous nature.
A plastic straw can stick to a magnet because it is made of a type of plastic that is attracted to magnets. However, plastic is an insulator and does not conduct electricity.
Though it is hardly an official scientific designation, one sometimes refers to the north pole of a magnet as the "north seeking pole." This is, of course, in accordance with the characteristic of a compass.
Kyolite is a fictional rock created for the TV show "Heartland" and cannot be found in nature.
What we have is created by nature. For example: magnetic force- There's a north and a south magnet (red and black) these were created by metal which is rock carved into a shape and style.
The natural magnet is present at the core of our planet earth.
Yes.Yes, iron being ferromagnetic in nature, is attracted by a magnet
a rock that has magnet paint on it and then it is magnetic
The real name of magnet is Magnetite or Lodestone. Magnet is a common name used to refer to objects that exhibit magnetic properties.
magnet :)
An electro magnet proves that Electricity and Magnetism always co-exist in nature
it would have to be a rock containing the mineral Iron. which would then have to be magnetized to create a temporary magnet, or a permanent magnet if prepared properly
if you take a magnet and put it on two rocks then the meteor rock will attract and the other rock will stay
Lodestone: Nature's invention of the magnet. All others are improvements in field strength and manufacturability, if not lifespan.