The world's largest active volcano is Mauna Loa, on the Big Island of Hawaii. It is 120 km long, and 13,680 ft. above sea level. It is goes for 13 km. below the sea level as well. Mauna Loa by itself amounts to 85% of all of the other Hawaiian islands combined. Its most recent eruption lasted 22 days, from March 24-April 15 1984.
The largest volcano in the world is Mauna Loa, located in Hawaii on the island of Hawaii (Big Island). It is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth and rises about 13,679 feet (4,169 meters) above sea level.
The highest active volcano in the world is Ojos del Salado, located in the Andes mountain range on the Argentina-Chile border. It stands at an elevation of 22,615 feet (6,893 meters).
Chang'an was the capital's name. It was the largest capital in the world at the time.
The largest collection agency in the world is called "Encore Capital Group."
The largest lake has a misleading name, because it is not CALLED a lake. It is the Caspian Sea.
Greenland is the largest island in the world
Cotopaxi is the name of the highest active volcano in the world.
Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, is found in the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain, a mostly undersea mountain range in the Pacific that is above sea level in Hawaii. The Hawaiian name "Mauna Loa" means "Long Mountain."
Ruapehu has been active most recently. Lake Taupo, the largest lake in New Zealand, is apparently the most dangerous volcano in the world.
The world's largest continent is Asia, which has China, the largest country in the world. The smallest country is Austraila.
The Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world.
The largest plane in the world is the Antonov An-225which is a cargo plane.The largest passenger plane in the world is the Airbus A380.
== == The largest hot desert in the world is the Sahara, and it is located in Africa. The largest desert in the world is Antarctica.
Kilauea, it is the most active volcano in the world.
what is the name of the largest see in the world
Antarctica is the world's largest desert located on the continent of the same name.