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Q: What is the name given to dangerous bacteria?
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What is collective name given to bacteria?

Bacteria is the plural of bacterium.

What is the name given to plants that prey on insects?

dangerous plants

Learn and write about Ecoli bacteria Are they dangerous or not?

EColi bacteria is a very dangerous and deadly bacteria that is found on food.

Why do you think bacteria were given the name monera?

Bacteria are one-celled. Monera means having one cell.

What is the name given to curved forms of bacteria and rod-like bacteria?

Curved? I think you mean spiral. Sprilia ====

What is the name given to any bacteria that convert nitrogen to nitrogen compounds?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria, such as Rhizobium.

What percentage of food handlers carry dangerous bacteria?

50% of healthy food handlers carry dangerous bacteria.

What is the name given to the process of generating natural clones in plants and bacteria?

sexual reproductive

What bacteria only needs methionine and lives in the dark?

a kuku is the dangerous bacteria

How is bacteria dangerous?

Bacteria can be dangerous in many ways. Some bacteria carry diseases that can cause severe illness or even death. Some bacteria causes food to spoil and can make drinking water unsafe to consume.

What name is given to bacteria that feed on living organisms?

viruses:parasites: kill hostepithyte: don't kill host

What is the given name to the bacteria that doesn't respond to antibiotics?

If a microbe is not affected by antibiotics, it is said to be resistant to the antibiotic.