Disregarding the effects of atmospheric refraction . . . If you're standing at the north pole, then the sun is up in your sky from March 21 to September 21, and below your horizon from September 21 until March 21.
The equinoxes (approximately 21 March & 21 Sept).
The North Pole is dark for six months- from the September Equinox (September 21) to the March Equinox (March 21).
When the sun reaches either of the equinoxes,on March 21 and September 21 or 22.
December 21 (the December solstice) is the day on which the northern hemisphere receives the least hours of daylight.The actual North Pole experiences 6 months of night, from around September 21 to March 21, so December 21 is the middle of the night there.
day light savings
That happens at some point on the equator, at a single moment, on two days of the year ... near March 21 and near September 21.
I don't know what that means!
We got four seasons not just two: winter is from 21 November to 21 march spring is from 21 march to 21 June summer is from 21 June to 21 September autumn is from 21 September to 21 November
Equinoxes occur twice a year - around 21 March, and around 23 September.
The vernal and autumnal equinoxes, respectively.
North pole have no sunshine at all from September 21 until March 21. South pole have no sunshine at all from March 21 until September 21.
In the Southern Hemisphere: Summer=December, January, February Autumn=March, April, May Winter=June, July, August Spring=September,October,November In the northern hemisphere: June 21 - September 21 is Summer September 21 - December 21 Autumn December 21 - March 21 Winter March 21 - June 21 Spring
In the southern hemisphere: Summer=December, January, February Autumn=March, April, May Winter=June, July, August Spring=September,October,November In the northern hemisphere: June 21 - September 21 is Summer September 21 - December 21 Autumn December 21 - March 21 Winter March 21 - June 21 Spring
Chile has the same seasons that the US has, but at different times.Spring . . . . . September 21 - December 21Summer . . . December 21 - March 21Autumn. . . . March 21 - June 21Winter. . . . . June 21 - September 21
From September 21 until March 21.
March 21 and September 21.