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Chromosomes are structures in the nucleus of the cell which contain DNA and can best be seen when the cell is dividing.

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The structure is called a chromosome. Chromosomes are visible during cell division as they condense to form distinct, visible structures that contain tightly coiled DNA.

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Q: What is the name for the structure in the nucleus of the cell which contains DNA and can be best seen when the cell is dividing?
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What is the Name for the collection of DNA in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell when the cell is not dividing?

For a better answer I would advise you to search this question on the internet. The cell that has chromosomes ,made up of DNA and proteins in the nucleus, is called a EUKARYOTIC cell.The cell nucleus is a double membrane‐bound organelle that contains the genetic information of the cell packaged in the form of chromatin. The nucleus is a characteristic feature of most eukaryotic cells. Make the best out of this answer, don't forget to search the internet!

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That, my friend, is called the Nucleus. it contains most of the cell's genetic material (DNA) that determines every natural process within an organism. Very fascinating stuff, if you need to know more, Google will be your new best friend. How's biology class going by the way?

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