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The action is called "air-fuel ratio control" or "stoichiometric control." It ensures that the burner only allows in enough air to precisely match the amount of gas required for efficient and complete combustion.

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Q: What is the name for the action that allows the burner to only draw enough air to match the amount of gas needed for complete combustion?
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How much oxygen is needed to sustain combustion?

Oxygen is required to sustain combustion as it is the oxidizer that allows for the chemical reaction with the fuel. The exact amount of oxygen needed depends on the type of fuel being burned, as different fuels have different oxygen requirements for combustion. In general, combustion requires a sufficient supply of oxygen to ensure complete oxidation of the fuel.

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Carbon monoxide is not the result of a complete combustion.Carbon monoxide is made when hydrocarbons are burnt in low amount of oxygen. That means when partial combustion is happened. Carbon monoxide is harmful to the animals.

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Complete combustion occurs when a fuel reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water, releasing more energy because all the fuel is efficiently converted into these products. In incomplete combustion, not all the fuel reacts to form carbon dioxide and water, leading to the release of less energy as other byproducts such as carbon monoxide or soot are formed.

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How much amount of air mixing with gas is it if the air hole is fully open for a BUNSEN BURN?

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Explain why complete combustion is desirable?

Complete combustion is desirable because it produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, which are less harmful to the environment compared to incomplete combustion products like carbon monoxide and particulate matter. It also results in more energy being extracted from the fuel due to higher efficiency, reducing waste and increasing the efficiency of the combustion process.

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A combustion controller maintains the optimal air-fuel ratio in a combustion process to ensure efficient and safe operation of the system. It regulates the amount of fuel and air supplied to the combustion chamber to achieve complete combustion and desired results.

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