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They basically move similar to planets and comets, i.e., in ellipses around the Sun.

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Q: What is the motion of a asteroid?
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Related questions

What concept would you use to describe the asteroid's motion?

There's gravity, momentum, centripetal force, and friction involved.

What relationship does the asteroid belt and the sun have?

The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and is primarily attracted by the gravitational pull of the Sun. The Sun's gravity influences the motion of the asteroids within the belt, keeping them in relatively stable orbits.

Is the asteroid Ceres the largest asteroid?

That's right; Ceres is the largest asteroid.

Is a planetoid and asteroid or a comet?


What is a sentence for the word asteroid?

The asteroid missed the Earth's atmosphere by inches.We will begin asteroid mining soon.

How might the occultation of a star by an asteroid tell us weather the asteroid has an atmosohere?

If there is an atmosphere, the light will gradually dim as the asteroid approaches the asteroid.

What lies between mars and jupiter-?

Main asteroid beltThe asteroid belt

What its the density of an asteroid?

The density of an asteroid differs.

What is the difference between an asteroid and an asteroid?


What is massive asteroid?

a rather large asteroid

Do planets change their patterns?

Isaac Newton says, "An object in motion remains in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force." There is no friction in space to act on the motion of a planet, & the force of gravity is constant. The answer is no, not unless a foreign object, (such as a comet, asteroid, etc.) strikes the planet with enough force to alter it's orbit.

How do you get past the door of mordrid on the asteroid in the asteroid belt in poptropica?

TO get into the asteroid castle you have to complete the puzzle on the door.