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Q: What is the most efficient way to determine whether your power suply is bad?
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Less blood suply in body known as?

less blood supply is known as anemia

When you are wiring up a lamp what does the grooved wire mean and what does the smooth wire mean?

The grooved wire is the neutral wire, which carries the current back to the power source. The smooth wire is the hot wire, which carries the current from the power source to the device, in this case, the lamp. It's important to connect them correctly to ensure the lamp functions properly and safely.

How does the climate affect people in Kenya?

Climate change in Kenya has resulted in prolonged droughts and unpredictable rainfall patterns, leading to food and water scarcity, crop failures, and loss of livestock. This has directly impacted people's livelihoods, health, and food security, particularly in rural areas where agriculture is a primary source of income. Additionally, extreme weather events such as flooding and landslides exacerbate these challenges, posing a threat to infrastructure and displacing communities.

What would happen if i run out of antifreeze?

If you run out of antifreeze, your engine may overheat and potentially cause damage. Antifreeze helps to regulate the temperature of your engine and prevent it from freezing in cold temperatures. It is important to regularly check your antifreeze levels and top up as needed to maintain the proper operating conditions of your vehicle.

What does an electrical charge cause?

AnswerElectric charge (or electrical charge) is nothing but property possessed by various particles including the protons and electrons in atoms. Protons always have a positive charge and electrons a negative charge. There are also other particles such as positrons which have a positive charge and anti-protons which have a negative charge. Many of these (protons and anti-protons) are also made up of quarks which have a charge of 1/3. An accumulation of particles with the same charge generates a larger and larger electrostatic field the more and more that accumulate. The magnitude of charge for a proton is +1.602 x 10 -19 Coulombs while that of an electron is -1.602 x 10 -19

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Does UK need any nuclear power stations?

no because they should find different ways to suply power no because they should find different ways to suply power

Should i Run pump on 115 or 230 volts?

That depends on what the suply is if your power suply is 230 then you run it on 230.

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Uninterupted power suply

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In the power suply

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it can simply be called a "power supply" or a PSU (power supply unit)

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The power rating is on the bottom of the 3ds, the power rating is 4.6V 4.1W, the power suply input is 4.6V 900mA. the DSI charger will work on a 3DS.

What was the water suply for the people in fort fincastle what was the water suply in fort fincasle?

water supply in Tunnel

What the power suply?

the power supply provides electricity to each component to the computer and ensures that neither too much or too little power is delivered. it is generally box shaped with many wires coming from it which will be used to connect to each component of a computer

What are the characteristics of classical economics?

the law of suply and demand

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what is the theory of suply and demand?