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The most common isotope of osmium is 192 Os. All osmium isotopes contain 76 electrons.

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Q: What is the most common isotope of the number of the electrons in osmium?
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What is the osmium number of nutrons?

The most common isotope of osmium, Os-192, has 114 neutrons. Osmium has many isotopes with varying numbers of neutrons.

What is the symbol and atomic number for an isotope with an mass number of 191 containing 115 neutrons?

This an isotope of osmium, osmium-191. The symbol is 19176Os.

What is the number of protons neutrons and electrons in osmium?

Osmium has 76 protons, 114 neutrons, and 76 electrons.

How many d electrons in osmium?

Osmium has 10 d electrons.

How manyprotons and electrons does osmium have?

An osmium atom has 76 of each.

What element has a mass of 190?

The element with a mass of 190 is an isotope of platinum, specifically platinum-190. This isotope is not naturally stable and is radioactive.

Which element has 114 neutrons 76 protons and 76 electrons?

The element with 76 protons is atomic number 76, which corresponds to osmium (Os) on the periodic table. The number of neutrons can vary among isotopes of osmium, but an isotope with 114 neutrons would have a mass number of 190.

The nucleus of an atom consists of 8 protons and 6 neutrons The total number of electrons present in a neutral atom of this element is?

Atomic number 76 is Osmium, the densest element. Its atomic mass is 190. Atomic number tells you the number of protons, so 76 protons. Atomic mass tells you the sum of protons and neutrons, so there are 190-76 = 114 neutrons.

What is the oxidation number of Osmium?

The common oxidation state for osmium is +4. However, osmium can exhibit various oxidation states, including +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, and +6, depending on the compound it is in and the surrounding conditions.

How many protns neutrons and electrons does osmium have?

Osmium atoms have 76 electrons and protons, and between 108 and 116 neutrons. The isotopes with more neutrons are more abundant.

Which scientific element has 76 electrons?

The element with 76 electrons is Osmium. It is a dense, rare metal that is commonly used in industry for its high hardness and resistance to corrosion.

How many protons and electrons does osmium atom have?

76 of each.