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Q: What is the mole weight of CO2?
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How much does CO2 weigh in grams?

The molecular weight of carbon dioxide (CO2) is about 44 grams per mole. This means that one mole of CO2 weighs 44 grams.

How many CO2 moles comprise one mole of CO2?

6.02 ten to the power of 23

What is the mass of a half a mole of CO2?

The molar mass of CO2 is approximately 44.01 g/mol. Therefore, half a mole of CO2 would have a mass of around 22.0 g.

How many moles of C do you have in the CO2?

In one mole of CO2, there is one mole of carbon (C). So if you have 1 mole of CO2, you have 1 mole of carbon.

What is the percent CO2 in sodium bicarbonate?

Sodium Bicarbonate come from absorption of CO2 into NaOH Total reaction is 2NaOH + CO2 -> NaHCO3 + H2O Each mole of NaHCO3 come from absorption of 1 mole CO2 Molecular weight of NaHCO3 is 84 g/mol and CO2 is 44 g/mol It is that 84 g of NaHCO3 had 44 g of CO2 By weight ratio it is 52% CO2 in Sodium Bicarbonate.

How many atoms of O2 are in a 1.76sample of CO2?

There are 0.022 moles of CO2 in a 1.76 g sample. Since there is a 1:2 ratio of O2 to CO2 in the compound, there are 0.044 moles of O2 present. This corresponds to 2.65 x 10^22 atoms of O2.

How many moles of c are in 000831 moles of co2?

In CO2, there is 1 carbon atom for every 1 molecule of CO2. Therefore, the number of moles of C in 0.00831 moles of CO2 would be 0.00831 moles.

How much carbon dioxide fits in a lorry?

Assuming you mean gaseous CO2. You can roughly approximate by PV=nRT, where P and T are ambient pressure and temperature and V is the volume of the Lorry. Solve for # of moles, n. (n=PV/(RT)) For weight of CO2, each mole = atomic weight of Carbon plus 2x atomic weight of Oxygen. (44.01 grams / mole)

How many the mole of CO 2 contains?

atomic weight of carbon dioxide is 2 * 16 + 12 = 44 1 kg = 1000 g 1 kg of co2 has 1000/44 = 22.7 moles yeh i think that's wrong lol isn't it 3.37E25?

Does a mole of the element uranium and a mole of CO2 have the same number of particles?

No, a mole of uranium will have a different number of particles compared to a mole of CO2. This is because the mole is a unit of measurement representing Avogadro's number of particles, which is 6.022 x 10^23 entities. The molar mass of uranium and CO2 are different, resulting in a different number of particles in a mole of each substance.

How many mole of CO2 are formed when 451 mole C8H18 is burned?

When 1 mole of C8H18 is burned, it forms 8 moles of CO2. Therefore, when 451 moles of C8H18 is burned, it will form 8 * 451 = 3608 moles of CO2.

When a 1.25-gram sample of limestone was dissolved in acid 0.44 gram of CO2 was generated if the rock contained no carbonate other than CaCO3 what was the percent of CaCO3 by mass in the limestone?

To calculate the percent of CaCO3 in the limestone, first determine the molar mass of CaCO3 (100.09 g/mol). Next, calculate the moles of CO2 produced from the reaction (0.44 g CO2 / 44.01 g/mol). Since 1 mole of CaCO3 produces 1 mole of CO2, the moles of CaCO3 in the limestone can be calculated. Finally, determine the mass percent of CaCO3 in the limestone (mass of CaCO3 / total mass of limestone).