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Molarity = moles solute/liters solution = 0.207 moles/0.1665 L = 1.24 molar (3 sig. figs.)

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Q: What is the molarity of a solution with 0.207 mol of calcium acetate dissolved in a total volume of 166.5mL?
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Is calcium chloride dissolved in water an electrolyte or nonelectrolyte solution?

Calcium chloride dissolved in water is an electrolyte solution. When calcium chloride is dissolved, it dissociates into calcium ions (Ca²⁺) and chloride ions (Cl⁻), which are capable of conducting electricity in the solution.

Is calcium acetate an acid or a base?

Calcium acetate is a salt composed of calcium and acetate ions. Acetate ion is the conjugate base of acetic acid, so in aqueous solution, calcium acetate acts as a weak base.

When mixed do ammonium chloride and calcium acetate create a precipitate?

Yes, when ammonium chloride reacts with calcium acetate, a precipitate of calcium chloride forms. Ammonium acetate, which is soluble in water, remains in solution.

What is the chemical name for Ca(C2H3O2)2?

calcium acetatecalcium acetate


Of course, calcium acetate is a molecule.The chemical formula of calcium acetate is (CH3COO)2Ca.

Does calcium carbonate contain calcium acetate?

No. Calcium carbonate and calcium acetate are two different compounds.

Is calcium acetate soluble or insoluble?

Calcium acetate is soluble in water.

When calcium acetate react with ethanol calciumacetate absorb ethanol how?

When calcium acetate reacts with ethanol, a chemical reaction occurs where calcium acetate absorbs the ethanol by forming new chemical bonds between the calcium acetate and ethanol molecules. This reaction results in the formation of a new substance or a complex where the ethanol is no longer free or separate from the calcium acetate.

What is the Molarity of a solution made from dissolving 53.6grams of calcium carbonate in 0.94 liters of water?

It doesn't exist - calcium carbonate is limestone/marble - its insoluble

Why ammonium oxalate is added in calcium carbonte solution?

Ammonium oxalate is added to a solution of calcium carbonate to precipitate calcium oxalate, which can then be used as a method to determine the amount of calcium present in the solution through gravimetric analysis. The reaction between calcium carbonate and ammonium oxalate forms a sparingly soluble calcium oxalate precipitate, which can be filtered out and weighed to calculate the calcium concentration in the original solution.

What is the recipe for calcium acetate?

To make calcium acetate, you can react calcium carbonate (found in eggshells or limestone) with acetic acid (vinegar). The reaction produces calcium acetate along with water and carbon dioxide. You would need to mix the two ingredients in a suitable container, let the reaction occur, filter the resulting solution, and then evaporate the solvent to obtain calcium acetate crystals.

What is the molarity of a solution with 120 grams of calcium nitrite in 240 mL of water?

To find the molarity, first calculate the number of moles of calcium nitrite using its molar mass. Then, divide the number of moles by the volume of the solution in liters (240 mL = 0.24 L) to get the molarity.