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Since KHP is an unknown (name for a) chemical compound the molarity can not be calculated by lack of data.

The molar mass (m) of KHP ANDthe number (n) of H+ per mol KHP (maybe 1 when monoprotic?) is necessary for calculation, according to this formula:

(M*V)NaOH = (n*mass/m)KHP


[OH-] (mol.L-1) * 0.02850 (L NaOH sol'n) = n (mol H+.mol-1 KHP) * 0.7154 (g KHP) / m (g.mol-1 KHP)

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Q: What is the molarity of a NaOH solution if 28.50 mL are needed to titrated a 0.7154 g sample of KHP?
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